Please dont vote for Agran and Treseder, as both are DEM Party endorsed. Being at a lot of School events does not make for a great PARENT representative, as some say about opponent Shulman. We also look at their views on family, school choice/homeschooling, and much more. Measure O would increase the tax by 6% on Pot Shops, saying the increase will go to homeless prevention, parks, and safety. The DEMS are RUINING OUR NATION and CA! ), Comments: Not strong Rec. Shes a teacher, but a Conservative mom, too. Incumbent CHOI is a strong pro-family candidate. CONSERVATIVE VOTER GUIDES & ELECTION RESOURCES FOR SAN BERNARDINO COUNTYFor the upcoming Tuesday, November 8, 2022, California Statewide General Election. Comments: BENJAMIN YU is a solid Conservative. Knowledgeable and experienced on water issues. Little known. Then, they fess up, This tax is paid solely by guests at Anaheim hotels, not by Anaheim residents or businesses. The measure probably will pass, but SHOULDNT. Vote yes to support giving voters a fuller picture of taxes in Colorado. Among them, notably, none have endorsed incumbent Gov. Hes a good candidate to take this seat from long-time entrenched liberal DEM, Linda Sanchez. 0. by admin in Uncategorized. But my research shows SEYARTO to be a solid Republican candidate, coming out of Murrieta, where he started on the Murrieta City Council, then moved up to CA State Assemblyman, now a candidate for this CA Senate seat. Laguna Beach hotel owners cannot function with waiting for elections to make simple improvements. As it turned unclear in her bio, RYDELL actually RETIRED in 2010, though she still does some work for the college, in her retirement. Unopposed, but doing a good job. He will EXPOSE the mismanagement by reckless politicians. R-Pritchard currently serves on board of La Habra City Schools. Conservative Voter Guide for 2022 General Election Election Day Polling Locations Campaign Headquarters About HQ Calendars Sign up for text messages from NCGOP! Endorsed by the conservative CA/SRA Saddleback Republican Assembly. The Conservative Voter Guide mails a printed card to California voters during the Primary and General Elections. Comments: Endorsed by OC GOP. COMMENTS: The majority of this 32nd CA Senate District is not in OC, but Riverside Co. Please DO NOT VOTE for incumbent JIM MORENO, who is endorsed by the OC Democrat Party and evil Planned Parenthood of CA. She is well qualified to serve and is endorsed by OC GOP, Newport Mesa Uncensored parents group, Greater Costa Mesa Republicans, Lincoln Club of OC, CPU (California Parents United), Lance Christiansen, Candidate for CA Superintendent of Public Instruction, Patriots for Freedom, OC Gunowners, Kevin Kiley, CA Assemblyman, Lisa Sparks and Mari Barke of OC School Board, Don Harper, CM CC, and my favorite, former CA Senator, John Moorlach. Comments: A yes vote on Measure I will authorize that term limits be imposed on City Council service. Conservation Colorado's 2022 Voter Guide The 2022 midterms on Nov. 8 will be critical for determining our environmental future. What is the Controllers job, you ask? In 2017, Meuser joined the Dhillon Law Group (Harmeet Dhillon, who is often on FOX News, and the Center for American Liberty) where he has focused on Election, Political, and Constitutional Law. But, about 1/2 of U.S. states have legalized sports betting since the Supreme Court overturned a federal ban in 2018, and Native American tribes are hoping CA will be next. Unopposed, but is a solid Conservative. Comments: THIS IS A HORRIBLE PROP! Opponent, Sharon Quirk-Silva, is Planned Parenthood endorsed. Fiscally, Gunderson is Conservative. Comments: The following 3 candidates come with strong recommendations. WHAT? Please do not vote for ALEX ROUNAGHI, who is far-left, and works for far left OC Supervisor KATRINA FOLEY, and is endorsed by both the DEM Party of OC, and PLANNED PARENTHOOD. Opponent CARR is endorsed by Planned Parenthood. Someone who has school-aged children and appreciates the importance of providing the best education for the Golden States six million-plus students. The Conservative Voter Guide mails a printed card to California voters during the Primary and General Elections. He attends MY church, Calvary Chapel, Chino Hills, but we have never met. . We search their voting records, public and social media statements, donations, who donated to them, and endorsements they made or made for them. Minimal info available. Texas' congressional delegation is currently made up of 23 Republicans and 13 Democrats. Ballot measure 307 would establish an annual fee on property owners to fund sidewalk repair in a more effective and equitable way. Message and data rates may apply. She states in her ballot statement, Sometimes that has been a lonely path, but my first obligation has always been to the residents of our community. Endorsed by OC GOP, Assemblyman Kevin Kiley, Mari Barke of OC Bd of Ed & Lincoln Club. Our leadership is also at stake, and Colorado needs pro-conservation leaders who will act on climate change, protect public lands and wildlife habitat, secure our water supply, and clean up our air. Comments: Republican who I have previously vetted reportedly doing a good job. -Jesus Speaking. She is endorsed by the OC Republican Party, the Lincoln Club, is the the Family Values Voter Guide, and on the recommendations of the Conservative Ballot Researchers,, and Scott Peotter. This guide ranks every aspect of a candidate's record according to experience, integrity, commitment to community, and much more. Both are Rs. DR. HO is a small businesswoman, extremely well educated with degrees from UCLA, doctorate from University of the Pacific, post doctorate from USC, and masters in Bus Admin for UCI. For over 20 years we never have. Highly recommended by fellow Conservative researcher, ROBYN NORDELL, of Allows late-term & partial-birth abortions. JENNIFER RICHTER is a Republican, and endorsed by the OC GOP, running against D-incumbent Barbara Shulman, who is union-backed and Dem-endorsed. . OY VEY! ninth least affordable state for housing. Any hotel remodel, addition, construction, or alteration within this newly created zone, would be subject to special requirements for their improvements, or require voter approval, potentially making simple upkeep of already existing hotels onerous and tedious. She is running bc she has been frustrated at not getting questions answered regarding her childrens education at the District level, and knows there are more parents like her. His vast experience in legal and regulatory matters, including water quality, air quality, energy siting, land use, and regulatory matters would be a big asset to the City Council. These Conservative candidates will: Uphold the Constitution Taught at UCI at the post-graduate level and hold professional engineering licenses in electrical and nuclear engineering. County-level Spanish-language guides are also available on our Como Votar page. Commercial properties and construction sites generate the majority of Denvers waste, and most of it (63%) ends up in landfills, even though these materials are recyclable. Is not Republican (but declined to state). All your other votes will count. In races where I am aware that a Republican is . It just says you have the time. Comments: Meas M would allow the City Attorney to not have a law school degree accredited by the American Bar Association. But, read the following before you decide, too! Of course, it is supported by the liberal CA Teachers Association (CTA) because it would mean more MANDATED teachers to be hired. But, read the following before you vote, too! Not strong recommendation. Say, NO, just for this reason. I reviewed some of the changes, and it appears there are a lot of NEW types of businesses being charges, and many INCREASES in existing business licenses that will continue to go up based on the measures wording. Not strong rec. All 4 are endorsed by evil PLANNED PARENTHOOD and the Democrat Party of OC. Comments: Measure S would amend the citys Municipal Code to require hotel owners and operators to provide hotel employees a minimum wage of $18 an hour. She says, My three tenets in life have always been: God, Family and Country! Nice order. Comments: KRISTEN SEABURN is a conservative mother of 2 children in the district and solid advocate for children and parents, serving their needs as led by family values. If you want a PARENT-ADVOCATE candidate, who will listen, please vote for REINA SHEBESTA. Comments: Experienced Incumbent known to be doing a good job. A coalition of tribes spent more than $30 million to qualify this measure to allow IN-PERSON Sports gambling at reservation casinos and horse racing tracks. )), Ryan Bent (LOST- Boo! In addition to choosing our next leaders, Colorado voters also have the opportunity to weigh in directly on several ballot measures. My summary: MV City Councilmembers did noting wrong, The law was followed, and the suit should basically be ignored. Endorsed by OC GOP, the conservative CA/SRA Saddleback Republican Assembly. He prev served on the YL City Planning Commission, and also helped draft YLs 20 yr Core Plan for the city, so he knows YL well. Do your best, prepare for the worst, then TRUST GOD to bring victory.Prov 21:31, In this world you WILL have trouble, but take heart, I HAVE OVERCOME the WORLD. (Please do not vote for her opponent, Democrat-Endorsed Jon Miller) *See note. Comments: No Conservative or Republicans in this race. This is called bullet voting. The status quo is not making the grade. Vote yesfor an important step towards tackling the climate, affordable housing, and racial justice crises. So, this further makes Anaheim visitors pay more in taxes. (YES WON-GAG! The funding will support affordable housing that is more sustainable, including dense and transit-oriented development. Comments: Endorsed by the Republican OC GOP. Now, she is running for her 2nd term for Congress. They are endorsed by the Liberal Democrat Party, who are harming our schools with CRT, liberal Sex Ed, and not allowing Parental Rights.). This helps you to make an informed decision when voting based on the candidates for office and state legislative issues that impact our Judeo-Christian beliefs. All 3 are Republican OC GOP endorsed. This message is only visible to admins:Unable to display Facebook posts. Min info. Absolutely not! But, then CHAFEE got the endorsement of evil PLANNED PARENTHOOD. Opposition group, Citizens for Lagunas Future, states, if passed, Measure Q would require costly, citywide elections for both large and small public and private projects, not only overdevelopment as claimed by Q supporters. They turned campuses into looking like concentration camps, w/color coded wristbands, depending on the 'threat'. Incumbent and currently Mayor. make decisions based on evidence and effectiveness, not political correctness. in ballot statement, he says, I believe in personal responsibility, limited government, a free market economy, the right to public security, fiscal accountability, religious freedom, and ensuring access to quality education the great equalizer. I say, Amen, and agree with all of this. tarrant county conservative voter guide 2022. GATES is endorsed by OC GOP, OC Sheriff Don Barnes, former mayors, Erik Petersen, Jim Silva, Matt Harper, and slew of other Conservatives. (Is that even a word?) Theyve lost twice and are back again with this measure that imposes burdensome, unnecessary, and expensive requirements to have physicians or nurses on duty at dialysis clinics. Comments: Fiscal and social conservative Republican, endorsed by my favorite Conservative former CA Senator John Moolach, Brea City Treas R- Denise Eby, and Lincoln Club. Comments: The following 3 are incumbents known to be doing a good job. I say, VOTE NO to give SPORTS gambling exclusively to Indian tribes . Now, the 5 yrs. Comment: All 3 of the above candidates are endorsed by Conservative HB REPUBLICAN ASSEMBLY and are Parent Advocates for change!