"Thou hast wrought all our works in us." We have bulwarks, none of which can possibly be stormed, but when combined they are so irresistible, they could not be carried, though earth and hell should combine to storm them. Now, as long as he was in prison, although there might be ground of hope, it was but as light sown for the righteous; but when the hostage came out, behold the first fruit of the harvest! O dear friends, what comfort lies in this word, "It is Christ that died."! This, then is God's great remedy for sin: "It is Christ that died.". You, that were going to thrash mountains, find that molehills cast you down. And then suppose that, in winding up the estates, it should be found that, though there be something left, yet it be a mere trifle, scarcely worth an acknowledgment: enough to excite appetite but not sufficient to satisfy it what if it should come out at last, that heaven is not the infinite joy we have been taught to expect; suppose its bliss should be but inferior joy, such as might be found even in this world below suppose that the harps have no melody, the crowns but little glory, and heaven's streets but slight magnificence what then? But the crime may seem to be worse when we think of what God is. There is no difficulty in our believing that as one human mind operates upon another mind, so does the Holy Spirit influence our spirits. If he hath wealth, let him use it in his Master's service, for it is his. III. And if they are not like Peter tempted to curse and swear to escape the blessed imputation they would turn the conversation, that they might not suffer for Christ. His early years had been spent in opposition to his Saviour. See also John 10:14-15 , and 2 Timothy 2:19 . We heard of abundant harvests, but we soon discovered that they were all a dream, and that there would be scant in the worker's cottage. Blessed be his name, he will not refuse you even then, if you will but believe him! Others of you who can do little yourselves, can this day assist by sending forth men of God to preach the gospel of Christ. III. Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so; thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire. "There!" Weigh the riches of Christ in scales and his treasures in balances and then think to count the treasures which belong to the saints. For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. God has punished sin; and when men say, "God must punish sin," we answer, "Sin has been punished, for Christ has died.". "What!" If my friend over yonder has paid my debt, it is gone. If ever there lived a man who has reason to be grateful to Almighty God, I think I am that man. The proof of love to the uttermost is that "It is Christ that died.". Oh Christian, this should ever be your spirit, only in a higher degree. I have thus given you the four props and pillars of the believer's faith. Though they could not entirely rid their souls of the idea of the Godhead, did they not wish that there might not be a God? Whither the forerunner is for us entered, even Jesus, made an high priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec. Into predestination itself I will not now pry. Romans: An Expositional Commentary (Sproul) $22.80 $38.00. It is often so on earth: we take rank at times according to the greatness of our talents. It is almost as good as Scripture; for Scripture leads us to think of the sufferings of Christ as an unfathomable deep. One of two joint heirs has no right apart from the other. You observe the text speaks of waiting for the adoption; and another text further back, explains what that means, waiting for the manifestation of the children of God. The co-heir is heir to the entire estate; and if he says, "No, not to that portion," then he is not heir to any; and if he makes exemption anywhere, he makes exemption to the whole. In the volume of the Book it is written of him: "I delight to do thy will, O my God! It behoveth each of us, then, to comfort and establish our hearts upon this word "work." We are forced to use words if we would influence our fellow-men, but the Spirit of God can operate upon the human mind more directly, and communicate with it in silence. If we now suffer the good vessel of gospel truth to be drifted by adverse winds upon the rock, if we keep not good watch to her helm, and cry not well to her great Master that she may led to a prosperous end, surely those who are to succeed us will look on us with scorn, and say, "Shame on the men, who had so great and glorious a mission, and neglected it, and handed down to us a beclouded gospel and an impure Church." I can look back at the past, and wonder at all the way whereby the Lord hath led me. I have thus illustrated the call in two ways, by the state of the sinner in his sin, and by the omnipotence which overwhelms the resistance which he offers. II. "In all their afflictions he was afflicted, and the angel of his presence saved them." Here is A CHALLENGE TO ALL COMERS. Should thine house of business threaten to tumble about thine ears so long as thou hast acted honourably, still bear thy cross. Into that matter, however, we will not dive lest we intrude where our knowledge would be drowned by our presumption. The liberating message of Romans 8 is that God never intended man to live the Christian life by his own efforts and in his own strength. The text says, "we groan." Thirdly, we are to be conformed to the image of Christ in our experience. The body is redeemed with the precious blood of Christ, it is redeemed by price, but it has not as yet been redeemed by power. Come in with me, let us sail together to glory. But the great high priest of our profession, Jesus, the Son of God, hath taken his seat at the right hand of the majesty on high. The Holy Spirit has a wonderful power over renewed hearts, as much power as the skillful minstrel hath over the strings among which he lays his accustomed hand. It is a checkered scene, a garment of many colours. Jesus the Mediator must lose the glory which his finished work has procured for him, ere one of his co-heirs can miss of it; he must come down from that glory which he now inhabiteth, and cease to be honored as "the Lamb that was slain, and hath redeemed us unto God by his blood," if any one of his people shall be deprived of that glory, and be cast into hell. (Who would wish that they should? He loved me to the death; and albeit that he foresaw and foreknew that I should reject him, yet he would not take "No" for answer from me; but he resolved that his true grace should conquer me truly, and make me willing in the day of his power. As much as to say, it is a powerful argument for our salvation, that Christ died; but it is a still more cogent proof that every believer shall be saved, that Christ rose again from the dead. He comes within the gates. The charioteers of the Roman circus might with much cleverness and art, with glowing wheels, avoid each other; but God, with skill infinitely consummate, guides the fiery coursers of man's passion, yokes the storm, bits the tempest, and keeping each clear of the other from seeming evil still enduceth good, and better still; and better still in infinite progression. We are priests unto our God. But his reply was, "No, I trust they will always be at war with you, for Carthage must be destroyed if Rome is to prosper." Now, beloved, it is in such a plight as this that the Holy Ghost aids us with his divine help. You see, my dear hearers, if it were possible for the work of grace in your souls to be of no avail, nothing more could be done for you. Amen. "These are thy glorious works, parent of good, Thus wondrous fair; thyself how wondrous then!". Thus much upon the sacred end of predestination. Enemies in the children's house? So it is with your children when they look forward to their holidays; they are not unhappy or dissatisfied with the school, but yet they long to be at home. We are saved by hope. I can stop his accusation with this perpetual care of Jesus for his people." We shall overcome and sit down with him upon his throne. you also shall be lifted up. When another says, "I am a sound, orthodox Presbyterian," you stick to this solid ground, "Christ has died." The gold itself was fused in the atoning sacrifice, but the minting of it, making it into that which should be the current coin of the merchant, was the resurrection of Christ. We do cry, "Abba, Father." HYMNS FROM "OUR OWN HYMN BOOK" 537, 553, 297. YOU WILL HAVE NOTICED that in this chapter, Paul has been expounding a very deep inward, spiritual experience. Sad would it be to our thoughts if it were always to be so. A dying Saviour brings more glory to the love of God, ay, and to the justice of God, than any mortal sinner could have done; more than any perfect man, though he lived throughout eternity, could have done. Oh, that you would come and learn it! You must be chastened, you must feel the goad; will you kick against the pricks and so wound yourself more than you would have been by the goad itself? III. He had been exceedingly mad against the disciples of Christ, and had persecuted them even unto strange cities. She is, "when unadorned, adorned the most." An unconverted man may love a God, as, for instance, the God of nature, and the God of the imagination; but the God of revelation no man can love, unless grace has been poured into his heart, to turn him from that natural enmity of the heart towards God, in which all of us are born. And, once more, we are persuaded of the love of God to all who are in Christ. The carnal mind is at all times enmity against God. How could they have been the sons of God before, for "to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name, who were born not of blood," then they were not make the sons of God by mere creation "nor of the will of the flesh," that is to say, not by any efforts of their own "but of God." So saith the word, my brother, and so shalt thou find it ere long. Is there anything here that can console me? Will he be ruler over many things? Brethren, as soon as a man believes in Christ, he is no longer under the curse of the law. From this he infers that if God has given us the Spirit whereby we call him "Father," then we are his children, which is plain, fair, and clear reasoning. There you see, that man does not know that he is a debtor. Two Sunday nights ago, when I stood here to preach about the longsuffering of God being salvation,* I spoke, in the middle of the sermon, as if personally addressing someone who was present, who had lately been ill with fever, and who had come to the Tabernacle, still weakly, and scarcely recovered. The face of Jesus is more lovely to God than all the worlds, his eyes are brighter than the stars, his voice is sweeter than bliss; therefore doth the Father will to have his Son's beauty reflected in ten thousand mirrors in saints made like to him, and his praises chanted by myriads of voices of those who love him, because his blood has saved them. "Comfort ye, comfort ye my people," so runs our commission, Isa 40 1. The surety paid the debt." Germany belongs not to the cloudy philosopher, but to Christ. Grace in the soul is its new nature; the soul is alive to God, and has begun its holy happiness which shall endure for ever. We may look, then, at this third clause, as having a "much more" before it, comparing Scripture with Scripture. He had not time so much as to eat bread, full often, so eager was he to accomplish all his work. When first we dared to come forward and say "we are on the Lord's side," some of us had sacred tokens of sonship which have never been forgotten by us, and oftentimes since then we have received renewed seals of our adoption from the Great Father of our spirits. Romans 8:35 Sermons: Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Then salvation cannot be by merit; it must be by grace. God's great love for us is supremely demonstrated in Christ Jesus our Lord, who gave Himself for us on the cross. He rose again, I must rise, and though I die yet shall I live again. So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that showeth mercy." Romans 8:22-23 . Recollect, if you are truly called it is a high calling, a calling from on high, and a calling that lifts up your heart, and raises it to the high things of God, eternity, heaven, and holiness. This is a 12-16 week, in-depth study of Romans 8, averaging less than 3 verses per week (there are 12 weekly preparation guides, but leaders should allow some discussions to take one and a half or two weeks). 'The Believer's Challenge' and 'A Challenge and a Shield', Delivered on Sabbath Morning, June 5th, 1859, by the. We are like Israel in the wilderness, and are footsore, but blessed be God, we are on the way to Canaan. The second reason a believer hath, is that CHRIST HAS RISEN AGAIN. "Surely," said he, "the minister knew me, and spoke something personally to me, because he knew my case." Romans 8:16-17 . Many believers make a mistake when they long to die and long for heaven. He knows enough of our conduct to be able, truthfully, to bring to our memory much that might condemn us. Christ digged the well to its very bottom, but not a drop did spring up; still was the world dry and thirsty, till on the morning of the resurrection a voice was heard, "Spring up O well," and forth came Christ himself from the grave, and with him came the resurrection and the life; pardon and peace for all souls sprang up from the deep well of his misery. "We are joint heirs with Christ.". And now we close by noticing the confidence with which the apostle speaks. We all confess that if we are brought to the marriage-banquet, "'Twas the same love that spread the feast. Psalms 16:5 . And if we be his sons, are we not thereby bound to love, serve, and obey him? I am glad that you have them, brother, may you always keep them; and if I cannot have them, I shall sit down in my struggles and temptations, and still say that there is nothing in the heights, in high doctrine or in high living, that can separate me from the love of Christ. rail on as pleases you. I can sit down and let him plead, and I do not want to get up and conduct the pleading myself. "We have not an High Priest that cannot be touched with a feeling of our infirmities." By this is intended our affliction, and the weakness which trouble discovers in us. Are your arms about the neck of the great Father? His wife clings to his shoulder, his children seek to persuade him; they attend him to the waters' edge; he sails for Carthage; his death was too horrible to be described. All God's children are heirs, however numerous the family, and he that shall be born of God last, shall be as much his heir as he who was born first. If you follow after Christ, and find eternal life, when they hear of it, they will sneer at you, and bring up all your past life against you. (+44) 01236 827 978. Saul was anointed to be king when he was seeking his father's asses; and many a man has been called when he has been seeking his own lust, but he will leave the asses, and leave the lust, when once he is called. Ungodly men prosper well enough in this world, they root themselves, and spread themselves like green bay trees: it is their native soil; but the Christian needs the hothouse of grace to keep himself alive at all and out in the world he is like some strange foreign bird, native of a warm and sultry clime, that being let loose here under our wintry skies is ready to perish. The mass of men are all in uncertainty; they do not know what will become of them at last. I refer to the poets, men who stand aloft like Colossi, mightier than we, seeming to be descended from celestial spheres. But this know, O man, whatever thou sayest of this doctrine, it is a stone upon which, if any man fall, he shall suffer loss, but if it fall upon him it shall grind him to powder. With some, who can tell? Oh, where there is real cause for fighting, there cannot be victory without striving! Saul's eyes are filled with tears, and then again with scales of darkness, and he cries, "Who art thou?" Why, Paul, Satan will bring thundering accusations against thee; art thou not afraid? Oh! Now, I am not sure that the doctor is perfectly right. never let it be so. His experience with regard to God, what was that? Christ was in his death the hostage of the people of God. "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree." Amen. The trumpet of the gospel sounds aloud to every man in our congregations "Ho, everyone that thirsteth, come ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat; yea, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price." I wish you now to observe that we are linked with the creation. Who is he that condemneth." I know that my obedience cannot save me, but I long to obey. Very dexterously, with infernal malice, he endeavours to condemn the child of God. The city has turned me out; let it rue the day that it ever drove me away." Consider thou art as deep in debt as thou canst be to every attribute of God. A pan of hot coals is blazing in the tent; Scoevola puts out his right hand and holds it; it crackles in the flame; the young man flinches not, though his fingers drop away. I thought Christians were a humble, timid people." God never tantalized a man by calling him by grace effectually, unless he had written that man's name in the Lamb's book of life. Good as Scripture ; for Scripture leads us to think of what God is, & quot comfort. Regard to God, we are brought to the saints that it ever drove me away ''. Then salvation can not be by merit ; it must be by grace `` I delight to thy. Were a humble, timid people. what God is, parent of good thus... 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