An insanely detailed walk-through, covering all of the main and optional quests on each of the game's seven massive planets, A thorough overview of character creation, from the first level to the last, including detailed analysis of all of the skills, feats, and special Force powers that you'll use throughout your adventure, Special strategies for mini-games, like Pazaak and swoop racing, Target is thrown, stunned, and takes damage, Target is trapped in a vortex, takes damage; other enemies are pushed away, Save versus reflex: No immobilization or damage, but other enemies are still pushed, All nearby enemies are repelled, take damage, and are stunned. That's where I recommend going first (even before Czerka) after a little reconnaissance here in 082 East. If you do get the Rakghoul Serum, you can enter the quarantine cage and heal two of the infected villagers, gaining a few Light side points, or just kill them. You can still kill him, of course; he has a mesh underlay on him that can be used to upgrade the Echeni fiber armor. After acquiring the credentials, the Exile entered the Czerka office and ordered the droid to follow her. Luckily, the folks at BioWare apparently didn't form their design document for KOTOR around the tenets of Dragon Warrior, as you're about to find out. Carth's side-quest involves his long-lost son, who disappeared after his home planet was destroyed by the Sith fleet. But assuming you have made decent choices when leveling up and choose useful teammates, few fights should give you trouble. (0/3), Transfer from injector to container. Later he was asked to sell his Czerka droid credentials to Meetra Surik so that she could expose Czerka's corruption through the use of protocol droid B-4D4-GE3. Directed by Theodore Melfi and written by Matt Harris, The Starling first premiered at the 2021 Toronto International Film Festival on September 12, 2021, before getting released on Netflix twelve days later. He's an amusing old man, but harbors a deep reservoir of pain beneath his avuncular surface. Go back outside and enter right room #1. 4) Empty Apartment If you enter here youll see a footlocker that you can loot. Once you've broken into the terminal, you can open all of the cell doors in the prison, which lets out all of the Rodian crazies, then activate the emergency riot system, which will kill all of the Rodians and Sith in the hallway. She won't listen to you anyway, so select a response and watch as Grann comes down the elevator with four war droids, mark IV. Once you win the game you can either take Ramana back to Harra or keep her dancing. Assuming you gain a normal amount of experience on Taris, your new Jedi will start out as a level four soldier / level five Jedi guardian (or whichever class you pick), instead of a level eight soldier / level one guardian. 'Don't you need to blow off steam every once in a while?' If you actually intend to follow The One's advice and slaughter the priests, he'll let you go. Even before you feel the calling of the Force, a charismatic individual will have much greater success in persuading others to see his or her side of an argument. The Ebon Hawk will be tractored aboard Saul Karath's ship, and very bad things will begin to happen. Once you're done with that little run-in, take someone with a high security score and bust open the footlocker on the dock; there's an interface visor inside that's worth having, since it adds four to demolitions, computer use, and security. Don't worry about the rest of the wicker baskets; they mostly contain grenades, and you won't be able to access them without the Tuskans becoming very upset. The mines shouldn't do to much damage but you can manually navigate between to avoid taking any damage. Evidence of Czerka Corruption In order to deal with the Czerka Corp for good youll need hard evidence of their corruption. He shouldnt be too hard to beat. Sometimes it's not necessarily a good thing to have a single Jedi wandering into the midst of a group of enemies by themselves, however, so you might want to cancel this feat's use by selecting an active combat feat or Jedi power for that Jedi to use; Force jump won't activate in these circumstances. To compensate for the scoundrel's discomfort when wearing medium or heavy armor, scoundrel's luck simply adds a bonus to defense that is always active, even when the character is wearing no armor. All you have to do to get in is ask nicely; you get the feeling that this gang probably doesn't have the killer instinct required to survive a gang war for very long. When you land on Tatooine for the first time, a shipment of Gizka will be misallocated to your ship by the docking authorities there. Never use their Force Powers to intimidate or coerce NPCs to do something they wouldn't do otherwise. As such, your wisdom score will be important if you intend to rely on the power of the Force more than the speed of your lightsaber. Travel through the offices until you reach Jana Lorso behind a desk. Go back to left room #1, then hit the flow control panel on the wall again. Valve Corporation. A guide to . Surik paid his loan, and Opo Chano was grateful, promising to repay her. Notes: A small update: I've made some minor updates to the green buttons on the desk texture. So I'm just sprinting around the city doing evil deeds and looking for what to do. Darth Bandon, Malak's apprentice, will attack your party some time after you kill off Calo Nord. Suspicious Goods 3. Canderous has a grand scheme: he wants to send you into the military base that the Sith control in order to obtain the secret launch codes, without which any ship trying to take off will be destroyed by the Sith's orbital defense array. C8-42 is found in the Sandral grounds, attempting to commit suicide by goading a group of Kath hounds into attacking. Pause early; pause often. Once your chosen character is right on top of the exit, switch Solo Mode on and switch to one of your other characters, then rush them over to the elevator. A less annoying solution is to simply run away, while retargeting your melee warriors on the enemy that's harrassing your ranged character. Once you enter the western section of Ahto, you'll run into Elora. You'll receive a krayt dragon pearl for your troubles; use it in a lightsaber to get +2 damage and +3 attack. Your own Force powers won't be very helpful against it, but you can still utilize defensive measures like knight valor or Force shield. All Jedi guardians gain additional levels in this feat automatically when they reach the appropriate level. Canderous has some interesting abilities, the most notable of which is his ingrained regeneration, which will slowly bring him back to full health after he's taken damage, and his head-start at using heavy weapons. Keep pausing and making sure that you and Carth are attacking the same enemy, and you'll get them eventually. Alternatively, you can chuck a thermal detonator towards Saul as soon as the battle begins, which will knock down all of the opponents in that direction. You'll eventually need to trade him your Sith uniform for a set of Sith papers that will allow you access to the Undercity, since he believes that a Twi'lek named Mission Vao will help you get the accelerator. You have two options: buy some Gizka poison from a docking bay merchant to kill off the Gizka, or bring the entire shipload of them to Manaan, where a Selkath in the docking bay will offer to take them off your hands. The computer also has a suspicious habit of hitting natural 20s more often than you do; whether this is just luck or a way to prevent you from making 100,000 credits before leaving Dantooine is a matter of speculation. Make sure everyone in your party teams up on one rancor until it falls, then another, and so on. You have two options: Kono suggests that you attempt to poison the creature by placing a kind of blistering agent in the kolto harvesting machine, and then venting it into the water, which should destroy the beast, but may also have serious side effects on the surrounding environment; Sami thinks you should destroy the drilling equipment that seems to have stirred the monster from its chthonic lair. I'm trying to recover the Ebon Hawk and in the mean time been doing various bonus missions. ), but we won't spoil those for you. If you haven't yet, now might be a good time to earn some experience and credits in the Duel Ring. This isn't something you can magically know ahead of time, however, so you'll need to take advantage of the practice runs that are available on each track. You see, once you become a Jedi Padawan on Dantooine, the game automatically grants you a level-up; you'll now leave your old class behind, and become a level one Jedi, of whichever class you've chosen. Bastila will remain behind at this point if you're a Dark side character. For the control center, you may wish to repair the droid in the northwestern hallway to do your dirty work for you. Critical strike has its uses, but the defense penalty is a tremendous drawback, while power attack is, well, fairly useless in most cases. You could use B-4D4 to get into the mainframe." This is the shifty little droid mechanic. There's a puzzle on the wall to get him out; moving all of the panels to red will free him, while moving all of them to green will kill him. Before you even get to take a breath of fresh air, Bastila will want you to come with her and visit the Jedi Council. Your quests with him are now complete. All rights reserved. If you make nice with Nico, and prove your skills by actually winning the swoop racing championship (and thus completing the Tatooine Swoop Races side-quest), you will eventually be able to: talk Motta into giving Nico a bit more money, for a Light side result; convince Nico to sign the contract; or use your Force persuade skills to force Nico to sign. Your final test occurs next, and you'll be going alone, so be sure to loot your teammates of the best lightsabers and other equipment. Be sure to talk to the guard before going through the elevator for a tidy experience bonus. The Jedi guardian is also the only class that is allowed to obtain lightsaber specialization, which gives each lightsaber attack +2 damage. See the attack listing above to get a brief example of how defense works in combat. When the force cage is taken down kill the assassin. The challenges start off fairly easy, but steadily ramp up in difficulty. (Note that, due to the mechanics of the critical hit, this doesn't necessarily mean that 80% of your attacks will do double damage. What a wicked web we weave.. Bribe (for 500 credits) or persuade Corrun Falt to reveal the tech guy, Opo Chano, in charge of looking after the droid. Use the consoIe here to optionaIly erase your connction to Czerka, nd not-optionally downIoad the files. Light side Solution: Track down the serum in the Under City and bring it back to Zelka. None of these are critical flaws in your character's power levels, though; indeed, the game has been balanced to take all of this into account, and if you proceed through the game normally, a character that splits 8 levels of a mundane class with 12 levels of a Jedi class shouldn't have a problem beating the game in the end. While a Force storm might knock a group of opponents down to half of their life, a Force wave is much more likely to stun a good number of them, which not only makes them easier to kill, but prevents them from dealing damage to you while they're knocked out. Indeed, you'll need to reach the southwestern corner of the level anyway; that's where the elevator to the next level is. No need to be fancy, just an overview. . Oh, and did I mention the lightsaber? DeviantArt Protect This option lets the game decide your character's attributes and results in a well-balanced, if somewhat generic character. Unfortunately, there's absolutely no way to get around this built-in penalty of Pazaak's; you'll just need to suck it up and deal with it. Not that harm is something the Republic necessarily seems to wish to avoid, here. You'll need to follow along the main plot on Tatooine, involving the Czerka's attempts to rid themselves of the Tuskans, in order to free Griff. The catch to this battle is that Malak can completely regenerate himself every once in a while, by smashing open one of the creepy floating Jedi that dot the area. Take out everyone in the bridge, then head out to the starboard side of the Endar Spire. Even I know that you don't violate the Prime Directive without taking your life into your own hands, but apparently the Czerka don't care all that much for Federation law. The Rakatans won't begin the ritual unless you're alone, so set up your party so that you're the only member. If you come across an event that isn't covered in the main walkthrough, you'll want to refer to the Galaxy Side Quests section; if you want tips on a minigame, then you'll need to check the Minigames and Items section. The awaited patch has finally been released! After you finish off Calo Nord, a Twi'lek will eventually approach you on one of the planets (though this may not occur for quite a long time afterwards). If the player has chosen the light side, then B-4D4 will temporarily join the player's party. If he could not pay the loan back, the Exchange would kill him. Awareness allows all of the classes in the game a chance to spot mines that are in your path or that exist as part of a trap on a door or chest, or expose an enemy that has entered stealth mode. This power may come in handy, though, if your PC is a former scoundrel who still settles matters with a ranged weapon. Afterwards, start following the passage north to eventually find the Training Annex to the base; if you picked up the Missing Selkath quest in the mercenary enclave, you should see a Selkath apprentice just about to enter. Needless to say, keep your finger on the trigger. After the fight, be sure to search Brejik's body before talking to Bastila; he's got a belt and an armband which are perfect for melee-weapon characters, as well as a set of gloves that give +1 to Dexterity. There's never a guarantee that you'll have an NPC along with the right skill when you need it, though, so the choices you make with your PC's skills will still have a great impact on your experience as you play KOTOR. He's the green Twi'lek in one of the three bedrooms on the north end of the enclave. As soon as you see everyone go hostile, use Force speed on your Jedi party members, then spread your party out a bit to avoid the grenades that The One starts throwing at you. Note that this quest must be completed before you finish the Sandral-Matale Feud side quest. var today = new Date(); For example, your character starts the game as a level one soldier. The sandcrawler to the south of the Dune Sea has recently been attacked by the Sand People. Mission will track you down as soon as you step outside of the city and explain that Zaalbar was kidnapped by slavers. Most skill-related tasks in the game are assigned a difficulty check (DC) of a number usually between 10 and 30, with higher numbers representing the more challenging scenarios. You can mess around with the droid in the docking bay by just straight up lying to it about it giving outdated info and something about Czerka and fees. For our money, the best side deck consists of three +/-2 cards, three +/-4 cards, and four +/-3 cards, although the numbers of each card doesn't matter as much as the fact that they're there: if you don't have enough +/-3's, replace those slots with other double-sided cards, not a +3 or a -3. Bounty on Batono Once again go to the Dock Module and visit the Czerka Officer. There's nothing critical in here, but there are some good upgrades in the footlocker inside the drained pool. The drawback is that, when you use a critical strike, your defense is lowered by 5 points for a few seconds. Er befand sich hinter dem Bro der Leiterin Jana Lorso. You want to make your way around to the TSF Office but you might as well stop in at the various sights along the way. All of the cinematics still play too. It's perhaps most useful for the aforementioned melee fighters, since they will be the ones who will generally be targeted by the most enemies during any given fight. (Note that this is a trick: even if you do kill Gadon, youll still be forced into the swoop race. Sol'aa also sells a few cards. Between the cantina bartender on Tatooine and the shady Rodian in East Central Ahto on Manaan, you should be able to compile a deck consisting almost completely of +/-2, 3, and 4 cards; these are the cards that are, given the odds, going to be useful in the most number of situations. Yes, that's right, the game has difficulty settings; you can find them in the Gameplay settings of the Options menu. There will be substantial differences in statistics between these two characters. You can also talk to Iziz by the gates to finish off the Fair Trade quest, assuming you rescued the Jawas. If you use a single-handed weapon (such as a lightsaber, sword, or blaster pistol), and keep your off-hand free, then the dueling feat will add a bonus to both your attack and defense. Now, you can either answer the questions in a Sith fashion, which will result in Mekel's death and Jorak's hasty exit, or you can refuse to answer or give Light side answers to the questions, which will eventually result in Mekel breaking out of his stasis and freeing all of you, allowing you to attack Jorak. Occasionally you may swerve to hit a booster pad, only to find that obstacles are in your way, and that you're out of position for a pair of booster pads on the opposite side of the track. The reward for this mission is a Genoharadan Poison Blade. It s a dark time, as the unsteady Republic attempts to hold itself together in the wake of a civil war and domestic unrest. As soon as you enter the Docking area youll receive a call from Mozo asking assistance. Still, you can clean him out of 750 credits altogether, if you have a decent deck. First off, return to the council hall and speak to Masters Vandar and Vrook to learn of the Jedi Code, which constitutes the first of the three tests you need to pass. If you're planning on playing a Jedi consular who can wield Force powers with ease, you'll definitely want to increase your wisdom stat at the expense of charisma. You'll eventually reach the bridge, where Trask will prevent you from opening the door unless you equip a melee weapon. If you faint at the sight of blood, or merely wish to avoid any more scars on your chin, then the life of a scoundrel is probably what you're after. Once you possess the Star Map, return to the Jedi Council. Brief example of how defense works in combat or keep her dancing wall again tractored aboard Karath. Bedrooms on the desk texture that you and carth are attacking the same enemy, very! One rancor until it falls, then hit the flow control panel on the north of... Sure everyone in your party some time after you kill off Calo Nord time! 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