Schaap was leader for 11 years to a fundamentalist church, which Outreach Magazine had once ranked as among the top 20 largest in the nation. She said she went to Hyles and he did nothing about it. Each delegate will receive a picture of this historic gathering and a souvenir with which to remember this amazing service.,, CALEB THOMPSON SON OF THE LATE PASTOR HANK THOMPSON AT CAPITOL CITY BAPTIST CHURCH IN ARLINGTON, TX. Sisson was admitted to Harvest Baptist Church in Iowa without the congregation being warned that he was a sexual predator. 9 of them were placed or kept in their positions at the church with at least some of the leadership having knowledge that this person was committing or had committed crimes, and they turned a blind eye to it. Hyles points out that God makes you sin for good because if you continued without sinning, youd get too prideful. Since believing not makes him lost, believing makes him saved. 3. The former pastor at a megachurch in Indiana has blamed his sexual relationship with a 16-year-old parishioner on personal problems, including stress, health issues and financial woes. So you gave up the faith you once believed in? According to the testimonies from many witnesses that I have listed, Jack Hyles constantly attempted to elevate his status in 12) Jack Hyles relationship with his wife was a distant one. There was no church investigation into the matter. For years Voegtlin kept silent about it, until he finally had the courage to speak out about Hyles and expose a lot of the corruption that was going on. We were told the Sailor ministry (at Great Lakes Naval Training Center] was more family-friendly than the bus ministry because we all could participate together. This is a once-in -a-lifetime opportunity do not miss it! There has been nothing like it in the past; perhaps there will be nothing like it in the future. He boasted about his greatness, accomplishments, and spiritual walk with God constantly. JACK SCHAAP CONTINUED THE CORRUPT LEGACY OF JACK HYLES. 14 of them were Graduates or students at HAC. He also gave pornographic images of himself to other boys. The reason is simple, 1000s of pastors and leadership around the country have been trained by Hyles as well as Schaap. To say anything was out of the question and was unthinkable., (Voyle Glover p 25-26, 51, 53, 86, 87; Jerry Kaifetz p 35-36, 37, 60, 76-77; Pastor Roger Voegltin Sermon Audio 1:50:00; News Investigation Video: Preying from the Pulpit 13:00, 29:00; Testimonies from a witness of FBCH, a f riend of a HAC student, and a former HAC student 11/1999, 6/26/01, 6/2004 rapid In January 2013,Chicago Magazineran a front-page report entitled Let Us Prey: Big Trouble at First Baptist Church, documenting ten cases of sexual crimes and fornications committed by pastors associated with First Baptist. The members of the church pleaded for leniency for Garner because his service to the church and volunteerism has been outstanding.,, JOSHUA THOMPSON PASTOR OF THE SPANISH-SPEAKING CONGREGATION AT CAPITOL CITY BAPTIST CHURCH IN ARLINGTON, TX. He did not sit down and pray with the devastated families that his son had destroyed. HE ACTED COMPLETELY CONTRARY TO WHAT HE PREACHED. This unbiblical philosophy that he preached became almost a doctrine alongside of salvation.. With Mark Foeller and Timothy Leonard, there was no church investigation into the matter. Theres no excuse for that, and no amount of gods grace or forgiveness gets him off the hook. He might as well as strung together various sentences from one of the Harry Potter books as to do the same with the Bible. You are fundamentally wrong that what you believe can affect salvation in the way you claim because nobody can help what they believe. Major IBF leaders have endorsed their books including Dr. Bob Jones III. He gave all this to her when she was still in open rebellion against her husband. REGARDING THE MONEY OF FBCH, HIS PREACHING AGAINST BIBLE BELIEVERS, HIS PREACHING ON CHURCH DISCIPLINE, HIS PREACHING ON NOT GIVING THE APPEARANCE OF EVIL, AND THE CHILD-RAISING OF HIS OWN SON. Pastor Roger Voegtlin talked about a man in his congregation that hired one of Hyles deacons for a job because he wanted a good Christian to work with. No record of church discipline. This has been their mecca for these years Weve got Fundamentalism on our shoulders. , Sermon: The World Is Watching, preached 7-16-1989 (Voyle Glover p 114,127), David is the most real person in all the Bible and I feel a little heartache when he leaves his palace. While it obviously is sex outside of marriage, this is not just adultery. Hyles could get upset at teens necking and college students dating off campus and threaten them with expulsion from the college, but not get upset about the moral failure of pastors around the country and work to restore them to a pulpit. JACK HYLES BELIEVED AND PREACHED THAT IF SOMEONE IS ACCUSED OF SIN, YOU DONT LISTEN TO IT, YOU DONT BELIEVE IT, AND YOU DONT TALK ABOUT IT. Morris, yes, fearful thing. 3 are general witnesses of the Hyles philosophy and doctrine in other Hyles affiliated IFB churches. Several staff members, even one extremely loyal staff member left because Hyles refused to discuss the issue. His followers idolized and worshiped him. Sentenced for two counts of sex assault with 2 underage teenage girls, 13 and 15 years old. Jack Hyles method of soul-winning, with his view of repentance and quick prayerism, was fraudulent and damaging to the cause of Christ. (Jennie lived very close to Hyles house.). And all of these 22 predators have been convicted and sentenced except for one who was able to escape jail because the statute of limitations had expired. This alleged affair had reportedly been going on since 1969. He is a private attorney and Deputy Prosecutor for the State of Indiana. no one showed support for the molested daughter or family. He admitted that he repeatedly molested a 13-year-old female student at the school. My ex father in law taught the young married class. At least 9 of the churches showed no support for the victims or their family. You dont really believe you know better than these men of God, do you? My answer is still the same today: I dont, but I know what Gods Word says. I do know he was in sin, and it doesnt appear he had remorse for it. His actions speak for themselves. I said yes out of politeness, but it was all so fast. Her daughter was an eyewitness over the many years that Hyles and Jennie would have many lengthy, intimate conversations with each other, even with her mom intimately saying I love you at the end of each conversation. Ballenger, a deacon of the Hammond Baptist Church, of fondling a 7-year-old girl during her Sunday school class. Who was meeting their needs? I hope he has to register. As people elevated Jack Hyles in their minds by virtue of his stories about himself, they accepted so much more of his teachings and philosophies. Thats before I heard me Sermon: When Satan Is At His Worst (Voyle Glover p 48), My secretary said the other day, Ill declare, it takes me three years to get something from God and it takes you three days. (Voyle Glover p 108), Now, you go ahead and let your kids go to the devil if you want to, but Im gonna fight for mine when they get in the battle, and Im gonna fight for every kid in this church! Sermon: Covenant of Salt, preached at Pastors School in 1972. Schaap preached undying loyalty to his followers, that they should never criticize or question leadership. When Hyles answered Robert Sumners accusations, he did not deny this accusation to be untrue but ignored it. You will feel the crushing great weight of humanity as she walks over you now and forever, as the minions of miracles crush your loved ones with Humanitys Judgement, the plagues of comeuppance, the horrors of your ways! Never alone with females, period. 4. BALLENGER FBCH DEACON and BUS WORKER. She even said that members are so influenced by Hyles that they would believe that if Jack Hyles told them that he was black, they would believe it. He was not removed from his position as pastor. Dave took a church members wife, Brenda Stevens, with him to Illinois, and was in a scandal regarding the violent abuse and death of her baby. There are 55 individual eyewitness testimonies to confirm the following allegations below: Most of the witnesses were members of FBCH and/or HAC graduates or former students. Hyles followers have been conditioned through mind control and brainwashing over the years not to listen to anything bad. Instead of taking the blame for his actions as the older more mature spiritual leader, Schaap blamed the girl as well as his attorneys for his long jail sentence. Now, if she can divorce herself from that whole cultish hell Oh, I hope she can. HYLES WOULD GLORIFY HIMSELF THROUGH THE MANY PICTURES HE WOULD DISTRIBUTE TO PEOPLE OF HIMSELF AND WAS HONORED WITH A ROOM BUILT FOR HIM, AND A LARGE MURAL AND STATUE OF HE AND HIS WIFE. Is Chrysanthemum led Todd to adhere to the live shows greatest gift and Tim & # x27 t! The former son-in-law of Jack Hyles, Schaap is now serving tim. Way of Life Literature, P.O. Hyles used lies, fear, and bribes to keep things secret. Dear Cindy could have been shagging the entire US airforce (though the suggestion is that any transgression on her part was at her husbands door) but that does not exonerate her husband in any way. He preached to Hyles-Anderson College students, I dont want anybody in this ministry to speak evil of any man. Hyles installed a personal private phone in Jennies bedroom. Instead of staying home to assist her husband, to help him and care for him, and to insure that he was all right, his wife, also a staff member, left her husband at home for the Lords work. At a soul- winning club at FBCH, a woman recalls being taught that if a lady was having problems in her marriage, that if shed just come to soul winning every Saturday, her problems would be taken care of by God. I personally believe, based on his great influence over many churches, that Jack Hyles philosophy has made a damaging impact to many of these churches. Jerry Kaifetz also said that Jack Schaap was vulgar beyond description in staff meetings, and profane in the pulpit. HE SEXUALIZED HIS SERMONS AND BIBLICAL ILLUSTRATIONS, PREACHED FALSE DOCTRINE, AND SEDUCED A 16-YEAR OLD GIRL BY USING HIS SPIRITUAL AUTHORITY AND HER BLIND LOYALTY . As I will explore in detail, there have been a multitude of lies, coverups, false teachings, idolatry, fraudulent soul winning, hypocrisy, etc, that many elders, deacons, staff members, and members are refusing to acknowledge at FBCH. 1 of them was not sentenced because the statute of limitations had elapsed. Had four charges of capital sexual battery involving three young girls. Dont these pastors preach against this sort of thing (Of course they do)? Rabid legalistic judgmental fundamentalism with a minor in hypocrisy was/were the order of the day in the mid-1970s and I havent seen it change at all in the new millennium., (Voyle Glover p 59, 63-64, 110, 152, 303-304, 307, 313, 320, 324 325, 327, 432, 442- 444; Linda Hyles Murphrey 4:00, 7:57, 8:27; Video Clip of Hyles Hypocrisy 5:02-5:49; Testimonies of 3 former HAC students 1/6/99, 12/15/00, 11/8/05 rapid; Amazon Book Reviews: Fundamental Seduction Testimony of a man that grew up under one of Hyles disciples December 2, 2002 by A Customer. What nobody is pointing out is the Cindy Schaap was gone ALL the time. It is unclear where Schaap will settle now. Hyles shared stories that motivated people to put the work of the Lord first, even if their families were sick or injured. You dont think he deserved a prison sentence for what he did? He boasted that three-quarters of a million people have been saved over the years at FBCH. HYLES WOULD CONSTANTLY FOCUS ON HIMSELF IN HIS SERMONS, MUCH MORE THAN GOD. He remains an IFB pastor in good standing across the IFB. Ill speak to you ANYTIME about Jesus! I was in prision and you visted me not. The church has done nothing to support his victim and rejects the claim of abuse. When will people stop saying look at what the bible says? No one knew about the income of FBCH or Hyles Publications, not even the deacons or the Treasurer of the deacons board. I remember saying to myself, you better get baptized, and you would not want to hurt anyones feelings. My dad was a lucky one The thing was, the reports (of abuse) were absolutely true. The Pastor also disciplined him at another time, by putting hot peppers in his rectum. Hyles and attorney David Gibbs awarded the Pastor and Associate Pastor Timothy Leonard as Defenders of the Faith. Foellers wife was given a Christian Justice Award, for her husband who was in jail at the time. She said that, in 27 years, I have never seen Jack Hyles do a truly selfless thing. And 5 of these witnesses include video evidence. Dave observed how his dad would be directly behind Jennies car when driving home and would flash the headlights as a signal to Jennie before he went to his house (Jennies house was right by Hyles house). Jack Schaap, 54, had been pastor of the First Baptist Church of Hammond in Indiana for 11 years, but was let go in July after a deacon saw a text on his phone from the teenager, allegedly with a picture of the two of them kissing. He molested a boy from when he was 13-17 years old. No IBF church or pastor has censured him or made a move to protect the innocent against this repeat offender. He also built Vic and Jennie Nischik a beautiful home near his home. Yet no disciplinary actions were taken, and the cover-ups continued. 13. They failed to exercise church discipline. She knew that she was brainwashed as she remembers her time in the church. They are bullies with no restraint. Then they would all shower and we would make them a bed on our floors and lock ourselves and our children into our bedroom, then up the next morning at five to make the sailors a home-cooked breakfast. Then a full day of preaching and feeding the sailors again at our ministry base. There were buttons, coffee cups, plaques, etc with his picture, all bringing glory to himself. Jack Hyles also financed the wave of intimidation on the victims families. for 11 years. You are going to get details that dont agree with other witnesses. The doctrines they have taught are nothing more than man-made ideas that confuse and mislead people I am convinced they have brainwashed thousands of people. A former student of HAC recalled thinking at the time, I was it spiritually. The Global Leadership Network - formerly known as the Willow Creek Association makes a comeback. He had complete freedom within his fathers church to be alone with young girls. Jack Hyles taught that children were to be severely punished if they were disobedient. They did this for at least 15 minutes. So, if this rebirth has happened it cannot unhappen. You might be thinking, even if all these allegations are true, which I believe are not true, why would this matter anyway. Himself or the LORD? Jack Schaap pedophile pastor 62, pleaded guilty to taking a 16-year-old girl he was counseling at First Baptist across state lines for sex, and in March 2013 he was sentenced to 12 years in federal prison. HYLES EXALTED HIMSELF ABOVE MOST CHRISTIANS. He received a 24-year sentence. Well i think all Baptist church on indiana should accept. (Starting at 1:13:10-1:16:30), Jack Hyles comes up to give his thank yous in regards to what made him great after the student body screams that they want Jack Hyles to get at least 50 years of serving in FBCH. 4. She said that followers who have tried to leave have recognized that FBCH is clearly a cult, and every member was in complete obedience to Jack Hyles and didnt dare disagree with him or be disloyal for fear of being publicly ridiculed, punished, or banished. Jack Hyles was the system. Families suffered, all because the ministry came first and family second. He never constantly put chunks of biblical meat on anyones plate. No one should be glorifying a man like this. I am an expert on the IFB church movement. One victim had her tires slashed. Hyles taught the eternal humanity of Jesus (a Mormon doctrine). Jack Hyles believed that he was the answer to the salvation of America. Credit Cards Mojo Copyright 2019. The members who left that same church over the scandal were also vilified. He was released from prison this week. No matter how you interpret it, there is indeed a wiggle room here. As a close witness of. (You can see the video of this here: News Investigation: Preying from the Pulpit: 4:15- 5:30 This genius has strung a bunch of Bible verses together, using them to threaten me with God, judgment, and Hell. In a sermon on February 7, 1988 entitled Full Reward, he said that he believed that his efforts on Christs behalf would give God a reason to be easier on his father Athie Hyles, whom he believed was in hell. Part 1: He openly admitted that he committed the crime. But if what he said about her is true all I can say is wow. Having a better understanding of what went down there now than then, I am happy for Cindy. There is no record of biblical church discipline being made. Each of them was accused of sexual misconduct (along with sundry other scandals). He was the only person who knew where the money from the church tithes and offerings went, and spent the money that came into the ministry anyway he saw fit. After knocking, Judy waited at the door for 3 to 5 minutes before she heard the door between their offices open, and her mom came and answered rather perturbed. Why would Hyles have this door in the first place giving people at the very least the appearance of evil? It makes me so sad. Advertisement. 1. Video: Hyles being idolized by college girls. Any pastor worth listening to is one that will constantly and endlessly be pointing all of his congregants to Jesus Christ and away from himself. Award, for her husband them to threaten me with God constantly he admitted that he the... Of sexual misconduct ( along with sundry other scandals ) Hyles believed that was... Preach against this repeat offender past ; perhaps there will be nothing like it in the.. Once believed in with sundry other scandals ) Gibbs awarded the pastor also disciplined at! 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