If you have questions about alcohol and your health, consult your physician. This site is strictly a news and information website about the disease. Neither the meningococcal or current flu vaccines are specifically associated with neuropathy but the flu vaccine is different every year. There are no contraindications with dental anesthesia. However, a healthy diet is always good and this list of foods may help you optimize your exercise sessions while also helping you lose weight. However, there are adverse effects involving muscle pain (or musculoskeletal pain) associated with the use of this medication (clinical studies) in 6 percent of all patients receiving a 40 mg daily dose. There are no reports of neuropathy and Avastin in association with macular degeneration applications. Vincristine has been proven hazardous and should be avoided by all CMT patients, including those with no symptoms. A recent review of the North American CMT database uncovered no cases of terbinafine complications, but it may be that no patient reported using the medication. Weight gain during the last nine months or so is very common. There should not be anything neurotoxic in hepatitis B vaccine; however, there is a protein in some flu vaccines that might produce abnormal response. They pretty much did all they could do for me. There were a few scattered suspicions with Tagamet but not Zantac. Of course, if they dont actually need the statin, they should think carefully before using one. This can include removing skin and excess fat from meat, opting for reduced-fat alternatives, and avoiding fried foods or consuming ready meals. Reducing alcohol and caffeine intake can improve sleep quality and reduce fatigue. After making it regularly for the past week or so, Ive learned a few things. Statins are clearly superior to the older treatments for hyperlipidemia (elevated cholesterol levels), so each treating physician needs to weigh the clear benefits of the drugs against this small risk in CMT patients. Website: bionews.com Your son has two diseases that independently affect the peripheral nerves and in combination can aggravate the nerve damage. Eating significantly less than your BMR may actually stunt your weight loss efforts. Other than that, there is no known risk of taking vitamins as long as you dont take megadoses of these supplements. WE ARE THE DRIVING FORCE BEHIND CMT RESEARCH FOR A CURE. If you have a tough day, making small progress and steps forward is always better than staying off track. Salmon. Foot deformities such as hammertoes and high arches also are common. Taking too much B6 is bad. Most doctors recommend that you continue taking an antidepressant for four to six months after you feel better to reduce the risk of your depression returning. Cymbalta (duloxetine) is one of the few medications that went through the lengthy process to receive FDA approval for neuropathic pain, specifically for diabetic neuropathy, but is generally used for any type of neuropathy-associated pain. It may be downloaded here: Full_Medical_Alert_List.pdf, A printable card may be downloaded here: Medical_Alert_Card.pdf. Hepatitis-C infection is a much more common cause of neuropathy and one important reason to suppress the virus. In fact, dont let it keep you from doing anything you want to do. We know very little about special risks for patients with less common forms of the disease. Charcot-Marie-Tooth Association In the case of stopping monoamine oxidase inhibitors, such as Nardil, you may experience disorientation, confusion, mild movement disturbances, and even hallucinations. However, at the present time there is no effective treatment to stop or slow down the progression of the disease and we do not yet know how to regulate or replace the myelin proteins. If it comes straight from the udder, avoid it. nuts like almonds and walnuts. Prilosec has been reported to cause neuropathy and/or myopathy (muscle disease) in a very small number of patientsnot enough to know if the effect is real or not. It will raise blood sugar quickly and keep it high for a long time because the fat takes a while to digest. Pineapple, which contains two enzymes, bromelain and papain, which reduce inflammation. The general recommendation for ALL people with CMT, however, is that we know a diet low in processed foods, low in sugar, and high in fruits, vegetables and healthy fats is a very important starting point to feeling your best. Minds constantly cloudy and the neuropathy is insane. The CMTA is a 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization, EIN# 22-2480896. Especially avoid processed deli turkey. cut down on sweets, candies, chocolates, soft drinks, fruit juices, biscuits. Foods to avoid during chemotherapy include: 3. [ 1, 2] These disorders are also known as hereditary motor and sensory neuropathies (HMSNs); they are distinct from hereditary sensory neuropathies (HSNs) and hereditary motor . Thus, to manage your body weight with Charcot Marie Tooth symptoms, you should never forget including spinach in your salad and in turn, give a helping hand to your body muscles. And I prefer vanilla coconut milk regular milk is too thick. HNF has a national network designating medical Centers of Excellence (COE) for the hereditary neuropathy patient community. For the person who works in a hospital setting, hepatitis might be a real threat. French fries and potato chips are often very high in calories and . Others used for viral infections (HIV agents, wart virus) fungal infections (griseofulvin), and parasitic infections (malaria) are usually considered separately. Description of the most prevalent types of CMT. Your email address will not be published. What can I do to alliviate the pain. Just 3 ounces of shrimp (about 4 or 5 pieces) contains approximately 10% of your . This adverse effect usually doesnt result in discontinuation of the alendronate. Generally speaking about 50 percent of your calories should come from complex carbohydrates and the rest from protein and fat. You may also experience loss of sensation and muscle contractions, and difficulty walking. Pickled or fermented foods, such as sauerkraut, kimchi, caviar, tofu or pickles. by Courtney | Apr 13, 2016 | Living with CMT, Nutrition | 1 Comment. The drug does have a variety of side effects and unusual complications that should be considered before use or withdrawal of use. Other drugs on the medication list have less clear associations with CMT and excessive toxicity. While papaya has papain so does pineapple. The use of interferon in the treatment of hepatitis C was a major advance a number of years ago, but the treatment has had notable side effects, most commonly flu-like symptoms. The opinions expressed in this column are not those of Charcot-Marie-Tooth News or its parent company, BioNews Services, and are intended to spark discussion about issues pertaining to Charcot-Marie-Tooth. two major enzymes possessing anti-inflammatory properties to facilitate easy recovery of your weak muscles. There is no known effect on CMT or neuropathy from Arimidex or similar breast cancer hormone treatments. Just like most of the foods on this list, the issue is with the proteins found in milk. I would be skeptical that a small dose would have a major effect, but it is possible. 3 W Garden St Most people dont have problems with this drug unless they take it for an extended period of at least a month or more. It is a theoretical issue whether patients with CMT should avoid statins, as there is no evidence that statins worsen existing neuropathy. Smoked or processed meats, such as hot dogs, bologna, bacon, corned beef or smoked fish. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. Progesterone is involved with nerve function and one progesterone blocker (onapristone) is a source of interest for a treatment trial because of its beneficial effects on a rat model of CMT1A, but the issue is far from settled. In the past, some vaccinations (like swine flu vaccine in the 1970s) prompted concerns about certain vaccines triggering an immune-mediated abrupt neuropathy (Guillain-Barr syndrome) in otherwise normal people. You can find it in egg yolks, tuna, fortified cereal and milk, mushrooms, sardines, and salmon. There has been considerable research on vitamin B12 and some forms of B12 such as methylcobalamin and neurologic function. I have not exercised at all, the only thing I have done is change my way of eating. Diseasemaps 2023, LOOKING FOR PEOPLE WHO LIVE IN PHOENIX ARIZONA. Tremor is one of the more common side effects of lithium. If the man has another form of CMT, the risk is less clear but certainly the oncologist should consider whether other equivalent drugs are an option. It carries no greater risk than any other routine vaccines. Do you know if this is normal with CMT? This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is no secret that millions of people struggle with their weight. His 2020 illness is no secret that millions of people are fighting their weight. Eating certain healthy foods following exercise may help boost this recovery time, enabling patients to get started again faster. I know of no special concerns with Versed and CMT unless it is used for an extended period of time, unlike the brief exposure for anesthesia before surgery. Her symptoms dissipated in four months. CMTA-STAR Research for Axonal Forms of CMT, CMTA-STAR Research for Demyelinating Forms of CMT, Research in CharcotMarieTooth Disease Type 1A (CMT1A), Ask the Expert: Braces, Orthotics, and Footwear, Disability for CMT Peripheral Neuropathy: VA & Social Security, Find the Right Lab for Your Genetic Testing, Medications for CMT Peripheral Neuropathy. Glenolden, PA 19036. "Choosing foods that keep your blood sugar in a safer range, as well as avoiding the ones that don't, helps reduce your risk of your condition progressing and developing complications." So which foods are fine to eat freely, and which should you avoid? Hi, A daily multivitamin capsule should not be a problem. The treatment is rarely associated with certain eye and retinal problems that are not at issue in the most common forms of CMT. The tremor is not a permanent effect or a sign of your neuropathy worsening, but you should discuss the problem with your psychiatrist to confirm this suspicion and weigh your options, depending on how bothersome the shaking is to you. Three small portions of dairy a day, especially reduced-fat versions, are also important. Email: [emailprotected] CMT patients are, therefore, confronted with a cost-benefit analysisthe feeling of well-being associated with these medications versus the fear of falling down and injuring themselves. According to our CMT experts, Botox is not recommended for individuals with CMT but can be used in areas that are not directly affected by CMT (the face, for example). As far as we know, collagen peptides should not pose a problem. Hello Linda, I am 44 and I have been vegan for 15 years. Yeast and yeast extract. In the case of multiple physicians working together, the names of diseases can quickly become long. I have yet to figure out what to do with turmeric. It does have other, more common side effects that should be reviewed with the prescribing physician. fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, tuna, and sardines. Chocolate, nuts (hazelnuts, pecans, peanuts, almonds, cashews, etc), seeds, canned fish and gelatin contain high levels of arginine. They are low impact and even if you dont swim, you can safely exercise because floatation belts are provided. . I found Reformer Pilates really strengthened my lower legs & feet, has helped enormously with balancing also, eclipse machines, excercise bike & swimming using a kids paddle board & just kicking your legs will help takes nearly 8 months to really start noticing the difference but when you do its a huge confidence boost. However, everyone has unique diet needs related to energy levels, weight maintenance, etc. There is no known or reported link between worsening neuropathy and either Lomotril or metoclopramide (Reglan). Helpful patient care resources for the treatment & management of CMT. Foods to avoid with cmt Information about diseasemaps.org by users and is not medical advice. It is associated with causing and worsening neuropathy, especially if taken on an ongoing basis; however, the nerves that control respiration are not usually involved especially if the nerves to the limbs are not similarly affected. That is hard to say. Download it here: Dear-Medical-Professional.pdf. This can include straining weakened muscles and joints further and making it more difficult to move around, resulting in further weight gain. I am 43 years old and have CMT. Cyclosporin A can cause the same problem, but even more rarely. Micronutrients are vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. How was the diagnosis process? Next day I went to exercise in the pool and felt so bad afterwards. Broyhill Leadership Conference 2023 registration is open. Ever hear the term sugar crash? That term comes from the tired feeling you get after eating an excess of simple carbohydrates. See a Physical Therapist. The small risk must be weighed against the drug indication. Positively, you may easily manage your body weight and other major Charcot Marie Tooth symptoms by simply having a healthy yet balanced diet combined with a tailored exercise plan.(1). HNF is a 501(c) 3 public charity enabling donors to support our mission safely. Provided there is no evidence of muscle damage (high CPK or vascular insufficiency) there is no reason why beta blockers should not be used for hypertension in patients with CMT. Raw seafood: Oysters, most types of sushi, and other kinds of raw or undercooked seafood should be off the menu for now. Foods that contain a high amount of salt can reduce the function of the digestive system, thereby making bowel movements sorer. You should reduce the intake of fatty, salty and sugary drinks or food items wherever it is possible. Through the years, I try to take phiysical theraphy, ar least quarterly, and before the pandemic, I was taking aquatic theraphy. We should note that these studies were done on non-CMT muscles, so we cant offer any guarantees as to how it will work for CMT muscles. Ours also has a ramp down into the shallow end for people that cant use regular ladders. Get plenty of sleep! It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Chocolate Milk: Chocolate milk is also one of the excellent health drinks to help Charcot Marie Tooth patients to overcome their weak muscles problems. The genetic defects in most demyelinating types of CMT are known, as are the encoded proteins and their functions. Antimuscarinic medications such as Vesicare are not known to cause or worsen neuropathy. Built to get you more shares and more followers. I have no energy and stay sleepy These are involved in transmitting nerve signals from the brain to the muscles to control movement, and sensory information from the rest of the body to the brain. French fries can also cause obesity. This article may contains scientific references. Even though eggs have suffered from a bad reputation for a long time, they have finally started to make a comeback. When you have CMT it is important to make sure youre eating enough carbohydrates for your muscles to have a steady fuel source, but too many simple carbohydrates can make you feel more tired. Inflammation is an immune response to damage that can cause heat and swelling in the muscles following exercise and can slow down muscle repair. Temps were in the mid/90s. While people with CMT generally suffer no ill effects from the moderate consumption of alcohol, they should be particularly mindful of the fact that alcohol affects balance and coordination and that overconsumption of alcohol is generally not recommended under any circumstances. There are some possible beneficial effects of some other hormone blockers, especially progesterone blockers, in animal models of CMT1 and this question is an active line of research, but the effects from Arimidex are likely to be clinically insignificant; the drug has demonstrated benefits in the proper breast cancer setting. Not knowing allowed me to live life as I wanted and never stopped me. Most toxic exposures are from much higher dosages, mostly of 250 mg or more a day. WE ARE THE DRIVING FORCE BEHIND CMT RESEARCH FOR A CURE. Green Tea: Studies have proved that people consuming 2 to 3 cups of green tea had relatively fewer marks of the cell damage caused by resistance to physical exercise. Tim, Im looking for solution. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Feel free to contact me if you have any thoughts or questions about using nutrition to manage symptoms. Virtually all cholesterol agents can affect muscle function, including Zetia. The vaccine was studied in about 38,500 adults, half of whom received the vaccine; the subjects were followed for an average of 3 years. My eating habits are bad. The statin class of cholesterol drugs inhibits a critical enzyme in cholesterol production. At this point, there is no diet that has been proven to show improvement in CMT symptoms or disease process. Also eliminate cakes, pies, doughnuts, cookies, croissants, muffins and all pastries and snack foods such as chips, most snack mixes and buttered popcorn. If it does occur, CMT makes the diagnosis more difficult but treatment is the same. The small risk of the agents you mention is based solely on small numbers of possible or probable but not definitive case reports in cancer patients; no reports of use of these agents in CMT patients is known. Unfortunately, none of these medications work all the time for all patients; some work for some patients, others work for other patients. September 24, 2019. 19. info@cmtausa.org Can anyone help me? So, most people can use tonic water occasionally and in moderation as a remedy for leg nocturnal cramps. How Dangerous Is Charcot Marie Tooth & Is It Contagious? Add possible constipation to the many reasons a sweet dessert should be an occasional, not regular, thing. I am not aware of any problem with Propofol as an anesthetic in CMT patients. Some common sources of high levels of vitamin K include many leafy vegetables, such as spinach, kale, cabbage, asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, green onions, endive, lettuce, turnip, collard greens and mustard greens. If you feel you may not be meeting all of your vitamin and mineral requirements, a daily multivitamin is the best bang for your buck and will provide all the vitamins and minerals you need without excess. This includes their juice and other products that are mostly made from these, for example marmalade. Paramount+ is . Good: Shellfish. Reglan is associated with other neurological side effects, most commonly movement disorders, which are usually recognizable by treating physicians. The two mentioned are the only ones reported in the literature, but you are correct to observe that there is no reason why the others should not have a similar risk even though the association has not been noted. Testosterone (Androderm) has beneficial effects on muscle building, but also has numerous deleterious effects, including those on prostate tissue. Hepatitis is a far more serious condition than a reaction to the immunization for hepatitis. Your doctor or pharmacist will tell you if you . Overdosing of Midazolam may be a concern in CMT patients and it sounds to me that since you have undergone this procedure before without the use of Midazolam, it would be safer to do the same thing again. It does not provide medical advice, . Midazolam has a black box warning stating: Midazolam I.V. The benefit is not intended to treat cholesterol per se. Having a neuromuscular disease like Charcot-Marie-Tooth syndrome can pose some unique challenges to weight loss, especially when designing an exercise and diet routine. | The Medical Alert table groups neurotoxic medications by risk category and generic name and provides information about brand names, manufacturers and labeled uses. Novocaine allergy is extraordinarily rare. Excluding the aforementioned food items to eat, Charcot Marie Tooth patient should make sure to intake plenty of juicy fruits and veggies, along with protein-rich food items. As a general rule, shellfish like lobster and shrimp are good sources of iodine, said Ilic. (Photo by Young Lee). Got milk? However, if you are Vitamin D deficient, discuss supplementation with your doctor. About one in every eight American adults have high levels of total cholesterol. Although there are no specific reports of vinblastine toxicity in CMT, it likely is a very high risk agent, especially if the man has CMT1A. Because my feet were cramping in and out. People who are most likely to have low potassium levels include: Those who take diuretics in order to treat high blood pressure or heart disease In addition to complex carbohydrates, micronutrients play an important role in providing your body with usable energy from food. Red meats, including beef, lamb pork and bacon. There is no evidence that Vitamin D is helpful in alleviating the symptoms of CMT. We follow a strict editorial policy and we have a zero-tolerance policy regarding any level of plagiarism. The FDA approved Reata Pharmaceuticals Inc's (NASDAQ: RETA) Skyclarys (omaveloxolone) for Friedreich's ataxia in adults and adolescents aged 16 and older. Neurotoxicity is the capacity of chemical or biologic agents to induce functional or structural changes in the nervous system resulting in tissue injury. Perhaps it is because people who eat more protein tend to burn more calories a day 71 calories a day to be exact, according to British researchers. Guillain-Barr syndrome (GBS) can occur in CMT patients, but there is no consensus on whether the incidence is higher than for the general public. 25 Foods You May Want to Avoid, According to Registered Dietitians. In fact, the most common preventative dose used with other medications such as I.N.H. 7. Food provides energy for all cells in the body, and the types and amounts of certain foods can influence the way your body uses that energy. Only. I went to PT for 6 months. Foods to Avoid on Chemo. Everyone is different and this disease affects people in very different ways. It doesnt do what my brain tells it to do and its surprisingly a relief now to know why I always felt that way. "CMT examination is a piece of cake." That's what one of our students said. Ultimate wishlist of CMT-friendly products on Amazon to make life with CMT easier. A Study on Neurotoxic Medications sugar should be consumed in moderation. But my weight is out of control. 11K subscribers in the FrenchyReps community. Anticonvulsants (some of which have been noted to have mood-altering effects) such as tiagabine (Gabitril) are notorious for side effects like dizziness and drowsiness. For some people a ketogenic diet may be beneficial for weight loss but may be too deficient in carbohydrates, leaving you feeling fatigued. I enjoy cooking and was familiar with ingredients such as ginger, bok choy, celery, beets, salmon, and broccoli. Contrary to public opinion, except in the case of over dosage, oral narcotics such as methadone are some of the safer medications in use. The foods that you eat need to do more than just fill you up. It might be interesting for you as it's pretty much along the lines of what you are talking about. To help you towards your goal of a healthier you, however, we have put together a list of some foods that will help boost muscle recovery as well as burn fat, helping you to look and feel better than ever! But I never looked at food and diet as a treatment until Govindarajan highlighted foods that CMT-ers could consider. 2. Serafem is a completely different type of agent and is the same chemical as Prozac (fluoxetine). Oysters. Eat it within an hour of getting up and you will jumpstart your metabolism for the day. only in hospital or ambulatory care settings, including physicians offices, that provide for continuous availability of resuscitative drugs and equipment and personnel trained in their use. This would apply to any patient. It has not been associated with worsening CMT neuropathy. Many of the cancer trials used the drug in combination with other chemotherapy drugs that often cause neuropathy, but studies did not find a further increase with the Avastin. 6 /8. Just eat healthy. Anyone who notices a significant decline in strength after taking Ambien should consult his or her physician. There is no listed contraindication to the use of alendronate (Fosamax) in patients with CMT. The agent was placed on the list based on the experience with other types of patients receiving the drug as part of their chemotherapy. This has proven successful for me personally. There is no medical evidence to suggest that any vaccine, including the flu shot, would be inadvisable for a patient on account of his/her CMT. No gluten, no sugar or high fructose corn syrup. Proposed list of medications of concern to patients with CMT Definite high risk (including asymptomatic CMT) Vinca alkaloids (vincristine) Moderate to significant risk Amiodarone Bortezomib (velcade) Cisplatin, carboplatin, oxaliplatin Colchicine (extended use) Dapsone Didanosine (ddI) Dichloroacetate Disulfiram Gold salts Leflunomide It may also enhance the risk of seizures in susceptible individuals. I know CMT affects folks in many ways, but seeing the list of symptoms was shocking. The more severe the neuropathy, the more susceptible the patient to the exposure of the neurotoxin. Most seem to carry similar risk to others with neuropathy from other causesdiabetes, etc. Prilosec and Prevacid are in a class of medications termed proton pump inhibitors that include some of the following: Numbness and tingling are listed as side effects for a wide variety of medications, but only a small number have been found to cause or worsen neuropathy. Each case should be considered separately and the appropriate cholesterol lowering agents recommended, but the effect on CMT is only one factor to consider. Make a donation to the Hereditary Neuropathy Foundation to help find treatments and cures for those living with Charcot-Marie-Tooth and Inherited Neuropathies. The good thing for you is that now, if you get especially tired after doing something taxing, youll allow yourself to get fully rested before doing the next job without punishing yourself by trying to do too much. Note: Charcot-Marie-Tooth News is strictly a news and information website about the disease. Sous-vide salmon, spinach, arugula, flax seeds, tomatoes, celery, toasted walnuts, and roasted beets. By the end of the day I was wiped out. It is characterized by inherited neuropathies without known metabolic derangements. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Unpasteurized dairy and under-cooked eggs: If it's got a runny yolk, avoid it. One of those is diet. in fact, a single slice of pineapple contains 27calories with only 7grams of carbs. The changes described are not surprising following the loss of the hormone treatment, but testosterone has not been adequately examined for safety and efficacy in CMT patients to recommend use for neuropathy. Wash your utensils, cutting boards, and countertops with hot, soapy water after preparing each food item. The drug is still frequently used to treat the symptoms of neuropathy as long as the common side effects are tolerable; there are other similar drugs available with fewer side effects. by Courtney | Jan 11, 2021 | CMT-Connect, Nutrition, Pain, Webinars - Nutrition, Webinars - Pain | 0 Comments. Children younger than 24 months old should avoid added sugars. The less food has been through processing, the higher its nutritional content. Since I cant do a lot of exercises I have been gaining weight which is totally depressing! Some examples of high-fiber foods to include while taking nitrofurantoin include: Whole grains (whole wheat bread, oatmeal, whole wheat pasta, brown rice, etc.) There is no evidence that one statin is any better or worse as a risk factor for neuropathy, so Crestor is part of the group even without a clearly reported case. We recommend a heart-healthy version of scrambled eggs 1 whole egg and 1 egg white, scrambled together with oz of lowfat cheese. NIH Fact Sheet, Omeprazole (brand names: Losec, Prilosec, Zegerid, Ocid, Lomac, Omepral, Omez), Lansoprazole (brand names: Prevacid, Zoton, Inhibitol, Levant, Lupizole), Esomeprazole (brand names: Nexium, Esotrex), Pantoprazole (brand names: Protonix, Somac, Pantoloc, Pantozol, Zurcal, Pan), Rabeprazole (brand names: Rabecid, AcipHex, Pariet, Rabeloc). I am 48 years old and have CMT since I was 6 years old. Let's go girls! I had my first op on my feet Treatment with onapristone, a progesterone antagonist, has improved the neuropathy of the CMT1A rat, but has not been tested in humans yet. The effect is likely magnified with already weak or inactive muscles. Some of these agents have been studied as treatments for neuropathic pain and showed no signs of making patients worse. Is change my way of eating to exercise in the muscles following exercise and can slow down muscle repair most... 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With your doctor or pharmacist will tell you if you have any thoughts questions. Their juice and other products that are mostly made from these, for example marmalade drug does have other more. Decline in strength after taking Ambien should consult his or her physician disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking..., mackerel, tuna, fortified cereal and milk, mushrooms, sardines, and sardines,... Occasional, not regular, thing most seem to carry similar risk to others with neuropathy but the flu is! The issue is with the proteins found in milk occasional, not regular, thing like salmon, spinach arugula! Other types of CMT are known, as there is no evidence that statins worsen neuropathy... Straight from the udder, avoid it seeing the list based on the based. Water occasionally and in combination can aggravate the nerve damage and can slow down muscle.! Since I cant do a lot of exercises I have not exercised at all, the more common of! 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