RELATED: 20 Wild Fan Redesigns Of Unexpected Harry Potter Couples. He clearly has PTSD, and he is a teenager. Harrys life is much better than it was living with the Dursleys, except for the beatings and spankings he endures from James. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. I'm pretty sure if Hitler were in your mind you'd do one of two things A.) And this stay at the Dursleys is bookended by two awful attacks. In the 5th book (Order of the Phoenix), why is Harry Potter so extremely angry? Of course you're going to be more angry at the people you trusted screwing you over than a random person screwing you over. It's an important thing to remember about Harry in year 5. She kisses him; she gives him privilege in infinity. Umbridge's policy of searching the mail and her own drive to catch Harry out during his fifth year lead to Hedwig getting injured more severely than the first time. James takes Harry through the wintery breeze to the temple situated on a mountain. Harry recently experiences a classmates death (which was brutal and pointless). At this point in the book, Harry has been shut at the Dursleys for a month with no outlet whatsoever. When Lily witnesses Harry being beaten or spanked, Lily does nothing. In addition, when do their own countries continue their punishment to such an extreme. He then turned towards Thor and accused And you Uncle! The third, and I believe most important, factor contributing to Harry's anger was the fact that. Sirius Black is tired of being forced to live in the hovel his mother's portrait calls a home, of Molly Weasley getting on his nerves, of everyone trying to control him. Fics so good I want to throw my chair out the window, Harry Potter son / ward of one of the Avengers, HP Fanfics that I can actually follow along with even tho idk anything abt the series. Harry tells this to his mother. How does this add anything to the answers posted 2 years ago? Harry wants more than anything to live with Lily away from the rest of their family. In fact the next time Harry hears from Remus after third year is when he appears out the blue to kidnap cough-Sorry rescue Harry and take him to a creepy house in London after yet another near Death experience! "Hey Harry, good morning," Remus said with a slight smile. If Harry tries to hug him, James yells at him, shouting for him to get off. As soon as he sees his mother again, Harry joins her. They are the only two members of their family that are good. Voldemort was back, as well. Blinking his eyes to rid himself of the sunspots Tony asked What the hell just happened. Well despite a similarly tragic family history, Neville Longbottom still seems to be so much calmer. Press J to jump to the feed. Sometimes, Harrys neck is broken and so are so Harrys legs. Hermione and Ron understood and accepted Harrys emotional moment. How to increase the number of CPUs in my computer? Impossible Then shaking Loki and throwing him to the ground Thor demanded in a low voice Brother, who have you called!. If Lily contacts them while outdoors, she and James talk first. "What's this?" Mr. The only times James ever smiles, laughs, or feels any happiness is when others are suffering, except for his wife, son, parents, and anyone in their family. James beats his son and knifes him with the sacrificial dagger. Why didn't Sirius give Harry the mirror earlier? What would happen if an airplane climbed beyond its preset cruise altitude that the pilot set in the pressurization system? Harry cries, mourns, and weeps in loss of his beloved mother. Potter! growled Fury Romanov call a code POTTER once the comms come on. He then glared at the avengers. Odin would not take court with you. Thor added. Are you not both the Princes of King Oden, or has your honor fallen so low? Potter was heaving after his rant, his anger rolling off of him.. For what! The clouds darkened again. With that said he passed off a quill? Rating: M. The Dragon's Bride by Rizzle - Draco and Hermione wake up naked, hungover, and tattoo'd. Harry Potter and the Last Horcrux by Mike (Full Pensieve) Word count: 260,875. Just as suddenly as it left, the sun started shining again, and the temperature rose. Granted, teenage boys do have a. We see it with the firebolt and with Malfoy and a few other situations and it's just annoying that Harry has to stand his ground and basically be like "No this is what I know is happening". And could have been much worse. and our Level 9. When Harry greets or smiles at his father, James does not return the greeting or the smile. He goes back to Privet Drive to his abusive relatives in his most needed time of help, but not only that, but he gets left out, not knowing anything (I don't know about you, but I'd get frustrated if people kept hiding stuff from me). All Harry knows from Lily is love. It's also a pretty good story. Loki had seen each of his children ripped away at birth for a crime they had yet to commit by his own father. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. I totally agree with your opinion on this. 'he would be pushing people away if it wasn't ron/hermione', I was going to say this. Lily betrays her family and their country by assassinating her father-in-law, which renders James as the new king of the Potter Empire. And even if he were there, I dont think Harry wouldve felt comfortable yelling (when he yells at the end of OoTP, it is under extraordinary circumstances). Yet here you are protecting and healing a criminal no better than Voldemort. Fury said raising an eyebrow. Lily however loved Harry. Did the Potter parents have a will/a testament? Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. Sirius is closest, but hes only really known Harry for a year and has been on the run, and is struggling a lot in this book. Saving his Treasure By: TimeTraveller-1900. 1) The connection with Voldemort increased his anger and frustration. Your honorable All father fears that which may not pass., Your honorable father chained his nephew, forced another into servitude, sent one to the bottom of an ocean, and banished his niece. Voldemort. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. So he expected them to be there in his corner and finding out they weren't or they at least seemed to be holding him at arms length just stung all the more. After only ten spanks Harry has tears in his eyes. And who is going to stop me? Potter said boldly. Therefore, he must wear crutches for several months. The story is set when Harry is 6 years old and it's very AU. James was perfectly content to execute his preteen son to get back into the good graces of his father. Why does he regard taking Occlumency lessons as a punishment, rather than a necessity? Is his anger natural? and as for Harry flinging Dumbledore's stuff across the room, well dammit my mascara's running well he'd just seen the only fatherly figure he'd ever had JUST FLIPPEN DIE! Has 90% of ice around Antarctica disappeared in less than a decade? But, what if Lily had not proposed her suicidal plan. One of Harrys ears is sore because James had pulled it hard to hold Harry still to be beaten. I believe that it was because a of a variety of reasons. Can anyone say that they have never snapped at a family member under stress? Harry rubbed his eyes and squinted in the bright sunlight that poured from the tall hospital wing windows. In the US, it's definitely normal. As an adult now, I appreciate the book more and feel so sorry he goes through so much =(. For example if you suffered a traumatic experience, then placed in the house of people who hate you and then are ignored by your friends and given no support or comfort from your friends, who after a while act as if your still best friends, then you would be upset. this is logical, because at times he displayed a searing hate for Dumbledore, which is actually not normal coming from Harry Potter himself. Is it ever explained why Harry didn't realize Mrs. Figg is part of the magic world? James approaches his father and kneels before him. There, Charlus is seated high at the topmost peak of the building. Lily loves Harry. Harry Potter's Temper Fan_atic Summary: Few things are scarier than an angry mother. SkylineMoonrise, GrumpyHumpty, MissHugMe, Ximic, JaidynNicholas, LiveryFaith, Sayo_the_Anarchyedge, Lucy_Lee_Dakota, Anonymoose1983, ItsNexuzIg, Simona2332, SaphJack, Hids, Elllundril, Mythical_Sneep, Wolfbridge, DemonEarth666, Jexos, DPD_genrefictionbiblioholic, Rema_Tomarry, Heiden_avocado, BlackSkyFan15, CaffeinatedCappuccinoCat, Jayysstar, Aria55, OneTeen, Isisx7x, panic_dot_com, curious3451, Sonyashna, Eclipse_dragon21, Rlackbabbit, cattalez03, Thegoodchild83, Inkkblot, Ne_znay_kak, HeavenMayCare, ReaderEB88, Susurra, shaer, AluClaus, AwildCAPRICORGIhasappeared, MagicalReaderGirl1, Bone_Fae_Spam, 707Nex707, fireworksburst, YaOiLoVeR27, calli_0p3, Cionnfhaoladh, Sheath1111, and 4155 more users The first, and most obvious, factor contributing to Harry's anger was indeed likely his hormonal imbalance from being in the depths of adolescence. Harrys neck or legs are rarely broken because he and James had very little contact. When you invaded Jotunheim, were you locked up like a common mutt? Why does he have to fling things and break stuff in Dumbledore's office, even though it's his fault that Sirius is killed? Shorter than average, the figure made up for its lack of height with a long black cloak billowing out behind it, stirring up leaves and mist Tony swore were not there before. As if from nowhere, a figure shrouded in a black walked toward them. Now Dumbledore gets him out and forces a teaching position onto him, which Severus absolutely doesn't want, but has little choice in the matter. She didn't reveal the full extent of the link until. The purposes of Lilys execution are known to Harry, but not the details as to why Lily had done as she had. Harry is fiercely loyal to his mother. Harry is Lilys favorite toy. Fury narrowed his eye at Potter. If anyone messes with Harry except for James, Lily exacted revenge which Lily explains to her son literally as what mums were like. Rename .gz files according to names in separate txt-file. Severus stopped Petunia and lowered the hem of Harry's t-shirt revealing the full bruise, clearly imprinted by the handprints too large to be Petunia's. Yet you treat him like a common criminal, a murderer? the boy inquired. Yo Point Break I know youre a 'god' and all but on earth its considered polite to not mess with weather willy nilly., Nay Man of Iron. if i was harry id lose my shit every day, he is pretty calm if you consider the stuff he's been through. If Harry is on crutches, he has support only when he is in the company of his mother or his friends. Love and kindness are qualities of goodness embodied in Lilys motherhood. The boy whispered what seemed to be reassurances as Tony saw Loki drink in the boys face while simultaneously shaking his muzzled head no. But Lily knew James had to beat or spank Harry and steels herself to allow for this to happen. Charlus presents to his son a sacrificial dagger and hands it to him. And yes, his anger was misdirected and Ron and Hermione didnt deserve it. The wind picked up again and the group looked up to see the quinjet slowly descending. Harry dropped his gaze to the chair in the centre of the room, the arms of which were covered in chains. Making friends Just enjoying you gagging Reindeer Games then wiggling his eyebrows at Natasha, I wouldnt mind getting gagged by you either.. James believed in harsh and brutal discipline, and no man, boy, or evil female was safe from his anger and aggression when he was displeased, not even his own son. Anything Harry is punished for with a beating is for disturbing James when they are watching a play, for lowly scored marks in school, for being late to be dropped off at school, for calling James at work if he is late to be picked up from school, for running away in the face of schoolyard bullies, for damaging however always unintentionally furniture at home, for speaking out of turn in Jamess business meetings at home or at the office, and for challenging the words of James, another Potter, or any of Jamess business people (the only person Harry always agrees with is Lily). Harry and Lexi Potter, the Twins who Lived. Charlus was a fearless leader of the United Kingdom, and an unforgiving and ruthless person all around. Economy picking exercise that uses two consecutive upstrokes on the same string. To Loki, causing the villain to disappear with a pop. And he wasnt about to risk rubbing just for his father to catch him and spank him again. Potter Fury attempted to interrupt before being forcibly silenced with a wave of Potters hand. 2232 guests Potter knelt down to embrace his mother. Is email scraping still a thing for spammers, How to choose voltage value of capacitors. Lily does not rub or try to mend the physical sores Jamess punishments have left on Harry. Is something's right to be free more important than the best interest for its own species according to deontology? KEY word assumed while the wizarding saw a family who lived and enjoyed their freedom from the dar. See a mental doctor B.) He then walked toward Thor, and with each step Lokis chains and muzzle flew off of the ground to bind him. When Charluss wish is fulfilled, his son bows before offering up Harrys severed head on bended knees. I think he needed outlets that simply weren't available to him given the circumstances and that's why he lashes out. Several of Harrys teeth are knocked out of his mouth. She has her very own doll that can walk and talk her son Harry. That's looking PTSD in the face! His social stability was significantly disrupted, contributing further to his emotional distress. He had propaganda about him in the papers, he kept having prophetic dreams, Ron's brothers moved out of Hogwarts, his family was attacked, and his brain was under strain of attempting to learn Occlumency. While James tried to be a good husband and father at one point, his anger and lust for power degraded his relationship with his wife and son. Charlus had distaste for weakness and was intolerant of failure . That added to the hormones, the crippling self esteem issues, survivors guilt, lack of sleep (nightmares), being put down by everybody, a heavy workload and Umbridge ad her torture sessions to contend with, not to mention the hormones, its no wonder Harry is a bit messed up that year. Around sits all the evil members of the Potter family. Harrys smallest accidents always result in James beating him severely. Lily buys Harry lots of toys and games. When Lily greets her husband, James returns the greeting. James views Harry as a failure, heavily favouring another son or a daughter over him. Spend a few pages writing out your plot. Harry confides to Hermione and Ron. Potter Fury said as he approached the group of misfits. Why is he so angry with Dumbledore and feels that Dumbledore is slighting him and ignoring him? 6) Umbridge lashing out at him, giving him unfair detentions and torturing with a blood quil. When Harry talks to James, James does not reply. The 1% of the time Harry is not in Lilys company is when Harry is with James who punishes him always. James hates Harry. The boy rose, releasing Lokis chains with a wave of his hand, and turned towards Thor with fire in his eyes and darkness gathering at the edges of his cloak. Turning his ire onto Thor, Potter asked What crimes has your brother committed for you to dismiss your bond of brotherhood, chain him, muzzle him, and leash him like a dog. Looking quite intimidating despite being almost half the size of Thor. Charluss wish is fulfilled James has sacrificed his firstborn eleven-year-old son and has been punished for marrying Lily. James despises weakness and loathes his son. He hated not knowing things. All Harry was given by his father was cruelty. Jamess ultimate aspiration in life as to conquer the entire world, but in fact his desires my have not been for control but wholesale destruction to crush all resistance. "Glasses," Harry mumbled sleepily, rubbing his eyeballs. Harrys bottom was fiery red and burning hot. Harry has feared for some time that his father was going to kill him. When James is closer in proximity to him, Harry hides in a bathroom of their familys castle. Worry about Voldemort's certainly evil plans also contributed to Harry's overall stress levels. I only wished that JKR could have laid a bigger part of the emphasis on Harry's anger upon that factor, you know, it only makes Harry a bit more likeable and he comes off better. James knocks his wife unconscious. After Arthur Weasley's attack, Harry has had enough of the visions and the Order's suspicions of him, and looks . He invaded Midgard and defied the All Father! Thor exclaimed. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. That is why Harry was able to see into Voldemort's mind, and how Voldemort was able to control what Harry was seeing. +8 more. Until James has fallen asleep does Harry remain in hiding and return to his bedroom. He then raised his eyes to meet Snape's gaze and repeated his aunt's lie. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Meanwhile, James was subjected to his punishment. Harry Potter and Georgia knightly have suffered at both the same night.join them through their journey with their friends at their times in Hogwarts the good and bad. Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Funny thing. He had no intention to scold the woman for the bruise. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). But I wanted to add a little bit to this idea. The only punishments James ever imposes upon Harry are severe beatings, except for spanking kept for what James calls serious offences but which are always Harrys accidents that are slightly larger than usual. His anger in his fifth year is perfectly validated ; for multiple reasons : a) Nobody would believe him when he was so vehemently trying to convince everyone about the Dark Lord's return. Work Search: That meant Harry had to deal with his burning bottom until it went away on its own. In OoTP, after Voldemorts Return to power, the connection through Harry's scar was the strongest it had ever been. Afterwards, Harry and Lily talk. 5) Harry trusted Dumbledore but when he needed him he was ignored by Dumbledore. At many points in the book, he himself had admitted to unexplained anger. Ron confides to Harry. Why didn't Umbridge use legilimency against Harry? James binds and gags Harry. A prophecy, a., Mother! Potter, apparently Harrison Potter crouched down next to Loki and reverently cupped his face No more! That its misdirected and try to help. +1. Cookie Notice They are the closest thing he has ever known to a family. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Is the Dragonborn's Breath Weapon from Fizban's Treasury of Dragons an attack? And yes, his anger was misdirected and Ron and Hermione didn't deserve it. part of Voldemort's soul was residing within Harry at the time, creating a bond between them. Lily likes to play with dolls. One of Harrys ears is sore because James had pulled it hard to hold Harry still to be beaten. When Lily talks to James, James always replies honestly but not lovingly and Lily does not smile either. Everything he has been through and the poor kid is 15. 1. Natasha looked murderous I never could resist fiery redheads who could kill me while wearing heals Tony tacked on. However, her execution would provide no proof as to the nature of it in other words, her execution would not prove that James was going to kill Harry. He may have not declared war in the proper fashion, but war is always messy. I am here for Loki and nothing else! the teen, apparently called Potter spat. Couple that with the general effects of puberty and the fact that a piece of Voldemort's soul lived inside of him and Harry's anger is completely justified. Oh, hes not just anything muttered Natasha. Mr. Harry obeys Lilys every command. And was kept for what James considers serious offenses. Jordan's line about intimate parties in The Great Gatsby? Therefore, he must wear crutches for several months. But really, where was he supposed to let it out? Lily had ever killed and would ever have killed anyone only if they threatened her sons life, which was the only reason Lily had killed Charlus. 2) Hormones with are for males highest at 15-16. When James calls the bathroom his own, Lily states it belonged to both of them and to their son not just to James. They are the only ones who have been with him from the start and all three of them have a strong understanding of each other throughout the series. left kudos on this work! After the conversation is finished, James leaves Harry for something personal and warns Harry not to even dare to move from where he stands, citing he will kill Harry, cut him up into small pieces, and mix him into Jamba juice should Harry disobey him. Her life was dedicated to protecting him. Charlus had distaste for weakness and was intolerant of failure. He had seen those chains spring to life and bind whoever sat between them. There were several layers to Harry's anger in Order of the Phoenix. The boy then seemed to fly toward Loki, collapsing at the gods side running his hands carefully over the black eye, bruised and banged up arms. Level 9! Lily keeps Harry by her side as much as possible, knowing that James did not love Harry and hoping to spare Harry from Jamess punishments as much as she could. James is back in the good graces of his father. Why was Dolores Umbridge not arrested after the end of Harry's fifth year? Tony turned to see what had startled them. So Harry was never too sure that he wouldnt get spanked again. Severus Snape/Original Female Character(s), Severitus | Severus Snape is Harry Potter's Parent, Sexual tags are in relation to an adult female OC and not in relation to a 6 year old Harry Potter. "Bloody idiot, first his wand now this lunacy an owl, could be intercepted by dark witches or wizards" after Moody broke the silence Remus put in trying to defend Harry, "I have never seen Harry lose his temper like this, he has been under a lot of pressure though." Dumbledore and Sirius were now having a soft conversation. Harry's 14, entered into a competition designed for of-age students and is given more assistance by Dobby than Remus. The Lawyers Against the Cup has Harry refusing to participate and the fallout from it. Harry lost his temper with Ron and Hermione because they were the only ones he was sure he wouldn't lose A lot of people give Harry crap for how he yells at Ron and Hermione in Order of the Phoenix. Choose an interesting character, preferably a more obscure one that not many other people will have written about, and put them into a new situation. Or, is his anger simply unfounded, misguided and created by himself, overblown more than it ought to be? If he loses sight of his mother, Harry hides in the safest place he can find from his father, trembling with consistent fear. If Harrys neck is broken during a meal at school, his friends feed him. From a literary point-of-view, Is Harry Potter's anger representation an accurate portrayal of a person whose found himself in his particular situation? dracomalfoy. Who the hell is this boy Tony couldnt help but interject. When alone with his son outdoors, James is morally cruel. Hello! One of Lilys defining features was her protectiveness of her son; Lily may have been the only member of the Potter family who loved him. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Tony watched as the unsettling yet peaceful seeming boy turned into a battle hardened warrior before his eyes. Whenever Harry has lowly scored marks from school, Lily always keeps him by her side by means to hide him from James and spare him from a beating. The only people that have been unconditionally there in his day-to-day life have been Ron and Hermione. For Harry, the Weasleys, Hermione, Sirius, and Remus were the closest thing he had to family, ranking above the Dursleys, who were blood relations. she turned her attention to Harry and the boy flinched, hunching his shoulders as if expecting to be hit. So when Harry reminds him that he's an adult capable of making his own decisions and unwittingly offers him a way out.Well, what can he do but take it? James covers Harrys bottom in another round of spanks before moving to Harrys spit spot, which quickly turned deep red like the rest of Harrys bottom. Thats exactly the reason why I dont hate it. Devastated by the loss of her son, Lily continues her life as Jamess wife and Charluss daughter-in-law. Odin is. Or even just one page. In this narrative, a twenty something Harry gets sucked through the Veil through magical experimentation. But nevertheless, he wanted to show Petunia, that he was not going to be manipulated by her clumsy attempts in hiding the evidence. He doesnt have a family. Years later, he's determined to make Harry more than a friend. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). It should be added to the above answers that he was pissed off because Ron and Hermione had known about and been in the Order during the Summer vacation and told him nothing about it. Anything Harry is punished for with a spanking if for being late to meals, for waking him up at night due to loud screams from nightmares, and for awakening him at his bedroom in the night because of fear from nightmares. hogwarts. Plus, yes, girl problems. Harrys hair is matted with congealed blood and his left eye is reduced to a puffy slit amid a mass of purple and black bruising. Because obeying Odin has brought my mother so much joy he spat sarcastically at Thor. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Charlus was a fearless leader of the United Kingdom, and an unforgiving and ruthless person all around. I said no bloody way! Potter interjected. He destroyed Manhattan! Captain America added with righteous anger. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. [A non-magical AU. At the age of 15, a male is typically at his highest level of hormonal change. Few things are scarier than an angry motherLoki had seen each of his children ripped away at birth for a crime they hadyet to commit by his own father. Five years after their marriage, Harry and Ginny encounter new and disturbing challenges to their marriage and their happiness. I was actually discussing this with a friend yesterday and we are both agreed that Harrys anger issues are in fact completely understandable. James tries to proceed to his bathroom, but Lily bars his way pleading him not to kill their son. b) He had recently witnessed the death of a schoolmate which gave him nightmares throughout the summer, c) Voldemort was back ; So the part of him which was in Harry was "acting up" with renewed vigor (which explains the flashes of thoughts and rage he was feeling synced with Voldemort). Agreed. This is Aaron Taylor-Johnson from Nowhere Boy. Why is Harry Potter so Angry? Reminding Tony of when Pepper set up word traps for reporters. Welcome to r/HarryPotter, the place where fans from around the world can meet and discuss everything in the Harry Potter universe! He killed eighty people in two days Natasha interjected. Harry Potter was the son and only child of Prince James and Princess Lily. If Harry comes late to a meal and he is spanked, the spanking is done in the presence of all the Potters. This work could have adult content. His footsteps echoed loudly as he walked across the stone floor. When ordered by his father Charlus to kill Harry to teach him the pain of losing a firstborn son, James admits that he would have gladly carried out the sacrifice had Lily not interfered. Thanks for contributing an answer to Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange! After breakfast, Lily takes some food from the table and goes in search of her son to feed him. Please consider turning it on! James interrupts, mimicking his son. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. What factors changed the Ukrainians' belief in the possibility of a full-scale invasion between Dec 2021 and Feb 2022? Part of Harry's short temper doubtless also had to do with that. All Harry knows from James is hate. Harry says no mother is like Lily. Lily and Harry spend the whole vacation together so that James could never find Harry to beat him, but on the rare occasions James finds his son, James beats Harry. James places an apple in Harrys mouth so that Harry was in the perfect state for sacrifice. Before death, she and her husband Charlus Potter had secretly agreed when permitting their son to marry a muggle-born witch, that they had lost their firstborn son who had left them forever by choosing to share his lifetime with someone his parents considered unworthy to live. Increase the number of CPUs in my computer related: 20 Wild Fan Redesigns of Unexpected Potter. N'T ron/hermione ', I was Harry id lose my shit every day, he must wear crutches several... Temper Fan_atic Summary: Few things are scarier than an angry mother to mend physical! As he walked across the stone floor said as he sees his mother beating severely. 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